
tí dān
  • bill of lading;bill of lading(B/L);delivery order;lading bill
提单 [tí dān]
  • [delivery order;bill of lading(B/L)] 向货站或仓库提取货物的凭据。也叫提货单

提单[tí dān]
  1. 海运提单上显示的任何费用标明“到付”将不予接受。

    Marine bill of lading showing any disbursement charges marked COLLECT not acceptable .

  2. 在记名提单是否是“documentoftitle”这一问题上,笔者认为,记名提单尽管不具有流通性,但是是“documentoftitle”。

    The author believes that straight bill of lading is " Document of Title ", although it is nonnegotiable .

  3. 随后探讨了记名提单的法律属性。存股权证(DepositoryReceipts)对中国资本账户管理的作用

    Then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared . The Function of Depository Receipts in the Capital Account Management

  4. 今天是修改提单的最后权限,费用RMB400。

    Today is the deadline to revise bill of lading with cost RMB400 .

  5. 他们主张,根据UCP500,提单上只能有一个日期,因此也是实际的发运日期。

    They claim that , according to UCP500 , there can only be one date on the bills , which accordingly is also the actual sending date .

  6. 20世纪末,Bolero电子提单流通机制的成功运转使电子提单在海上货物运输领域的运用进入快速发展的阶段,电子提单取代传统提单已经是大势所趋。

    Since the end of 20th century , e-BOL has been developing quickly in the area of marine cargo transportation insurance as the successful operation of Bolero circulation mechanism .

  7. 货到目的港后,承运人在GJL公司没有出示提单的情况下就把货物放了。

    When the goods arrived at the port of destination , the carrier released them without requiring GJL to produce the bill of lading .

  8. 最常用的追踪方法,就是空运提单追踪。

    The most commonly used tracking method is air waybill tracking .

  9. 略论提单纠纷诉因选择的法理基础及必要限制

    On Selecting for the Cause of the Dispute of Lading Bill

  10. “仅供议付”提单的相关问题

    Issues concerning bill of lading marked " only for negotiation "

  11. 水运货物数字化无提单交货

    Water Transport Goods Figured Delivery of Cargo without Bills of Lading

  12. 凭正本提单卸货及其法律责任

    Discharge of Cargo against Original Bill of Lading and Legal Liability

  13. 外汇核销和提单权利

    Foreign exchange verification and rights of bill of lad in g

  14. 论提单并入租约仲裁条款

    The Arbitration Clause of Charterparty Incorporated into the Bill of Lading

  15. 切勿忘记提单上注明唛头。

    Don 't forget to specify the marking in the waybill .

  16. 出口商如何签发记名提单呢?

    How does an exporter create an order bill of lading ?

  17. 第三方的海运提单是不被接受的。

    The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable .

  18. 我想你们是自己填制提单的吧?

    You make out your own bills of lading , I suppose ?

  19. 提货时要求背书提单。

    Endorsement of bill of lading be required when take a delivery .

  20. 论提单风险与提单法律制度的完善

    On the affreightment risk and how to perfect the affreightment legal system

  21. 海运集装箱提单在南京地区的应用

    Marine transportation container bill of lading in Nanjing area application

  22. 这里有你要的提单副本数据。

    Here is the copy for you in your information .

  23. 试论国际贸易中海运提单的风险及防范措施

    On Risks and Preventive Measures for Ocean Shipping Bills in World Trade

  24. 已装船提单表明货物已经装船。

    Shipped bills state definitely that goods have been loaded .

  25. 提单仲裁条款法律效力问题研究

    On legal effects of arbitration clause in bills of lading

  26. 请将这三批货用一张提单装出。

    Please ship the three lots on a single bill of lading .

  27. 提单在国际贸易中居于十分重要的地位,而它的重要性正是凭借多数提单的可转让性得以实现。

    Bills of lading play a very important role in international trade .

  28. 浅谈信用证业务中海运提单的处理

    On Handling Bill of Lading in Account Settling by Letter of Credit

  29. 记名提单无单放货的解释论

    The Interpretive Position of Delivering Goods Without Original Straight Bill of Lading

  30. 对提单的物权凭证功能的再思考

    Reconsideration of the Function of Bill of Lading as Document of Title