
tí mínɡ wěi yuán huì
  • nominating committee
  1. 提名委员会把候选人名单提交全体委员会讨论。

    The nominating committee laid its slate before the board .

  2. 斯德哥尔摩水奖提名委员会在表彰词中表示,McCaffrey教授对协定谈判做出了独特贡献,撰写了《国际水道法》,提供了专家级的法律建议、明智的忠告和培训,并推动了同大批利益相关方的复杂协商。

    In its citation , the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee says Professor McCaffrey has made unique contribution to treaty negotiation , written the book The Law of International Watercourses and provided expert legal advice , wise counsel , training and facilitation of complex negotiations with a wide range of stakeholders .

  3. 不管怎么样,提名委员会应该征求股东的意见。

    Nevertheless , the nominating committee should be seeking shareholder input .

  4. 总督是由一个贤人组成的提名委员会选出来的。

    The doge was elected by a nominating committee of wise men .

  5. 提名委员会应当提名董事会职员。

    The Nominating Committee shall nominate the Board Officers .

  6. 他们还在董事会提名委员会中占据一席之地,从而能够任命公司董事。

    They also appoint company directors by holding seats on board nominating committees .

  7. 提名委员会应当为每一个公开的董事职位选择一位被提名者。

    The Nominating Committee shall select a nominee for each open Board position .

  8. 我在此希望把注意力集中在企业提名委员会扮演的角色上。

    I would like to focus here on the role of company nomination committees .

  9. 提名委员会把候选人名单提交全体委员会讨论。他和委员会已经认真地考虑过了重返国会的人员名单

    He and the council had already pondered the list of memBers returned to the parliament

  10. 建设独立董事协会和独立董事提名委员会从而确保独立的选拔机制。

    Build the independent directors ' association and nominating committee to guarantee an independently choosing mechanism .

  11. 深信所有提名委员会的委员们在提名时会全力以赴!

    All nominating committee members , please do your very best to ensure fairness and transparency .

  12. 国际公认;国际首创;国际领先;国际知名/国际闻名部级国际机构候选人提名委员会

    Internationally recognized ; internationally pioneering ; internationally leading ; internationally renowned / reputed / well-known / famous

  13. 在提名委员会的帮助下,惠特沃思需要对董事会的构成进行重新定位。

    And with the aid of the nominations committee , Whitworth needs to rework the composition of the board .

  14. 首先,我很荣幸宣布有关今年总会干部提名委员会的相关事宜。

    I would like , firstly , to give an important announcement for District Officer Nominating Committee member , 2006 .

  15. 我们看到,从非执行董事中诞生出一项全新的猎头业务,这证明了提名委员会进一步多样性的必要性。

    We are seeing a whole new head-hunting business emerging for non-executive directors and this demonstrates the need for greater diversity on nomination committees .

  16. 样本中非欺诈性公司补偿(薪酬)委员会和提名委员会中外部董事比例显著较高。

    No-fraud companies in the sample also had a significantly higher percentage of outside directors on both the compensation committee and the nominating committee .

  17. 我深信,如果提名委员会中有更多女性,将有助于确定更多优秀的女性非执行董事候选人。

    I am convinced that if there were more women on nomination committees , it would help identify more good female candidates for non-executive directorships .

  18. 欧洲企业的提名委员会仅有5%的主席是女性,而美国则为15%。

    Only 5 per cent of European nominating committee chairs were female , while 15 per cent of US nominating committees are headed by women .

  19. 如今,即便价值认知型的首席执行官也会发现,他们在选择董事的问题上居于提名委员会主席的下风。

    Even value-minded CEOs can now find themselves taking a back seat to the chairman of the nominating committee when it comes to selecting directors .

  20. 可能向前迈出的一步或涉及特首候选人提名委员会的组成。目前该委员会仅有1200名成员,主要是亲建制派的商界人士。

    One possible way forward could involve the composition of the nomination committee for the chief executive candidates , now limited to 1,200 mainly pro-Beijing businessmen .

  21. 按照这份选举方案,最多三名候选人将面临公众的投票。不过,这些候选人实质上要由一个多数成员亲北京的提名委员会审查通过。

    Under the blueprint , up to three candidates would face a public vote , but they would in effect be screened by a largely pro-Beijing nominating committee .

  22. 不过,行政长官候选人将预先经过一个提名委员会的筛选;批评人士担心,这个委员会将不能很好地代表香港市民。

    However , the candidates for chief executive are set to be screened by a nomination committee that critics fear will be unrepresentative of the Hong Kong people .

  23. 如果这一提案被否决,香港特首将继续由提名委员会选举产生。提名委员会拥有1200名成员,由业界团体和社会团体的代表组成。

    If the bill is rejected , the chief executive will continue to be chosen by the 1,200-member committee , which is composed of representatives of industrial and social groups .

  24. 2004年9月16日,经国际天文学联合会小天体提名委员会批准,一颗小行星被命名为“落下闳小行星”,以此纪念这位伟大的天文学家。

    On September 16 , 2004 , with the approval from the International Astronomical Union , an asteroid was named after Luo Xiahong in commemoration of the great Chinese astronomer .

  25. 审计委员会、提名委员会、薪酬与考核委员会中独立董事应占多数并担任召集人。

    The audit committee , the nomination committee and the remuneration and appraisal committee shall be chaired by an independent director , and independent directors shall constitute the majority of the committees .

  26. 不过,所有争论的核心似乎都是潜在候选人必须得到提名委员会多大支持才能成为候选人,而不是考虑给予公众更大权力。

    But any debate appears to be centred around how much support a potential candidate would need from the nominating committee , rather than a consideration about giving the public a greater stake .

  27. 我们认为,提名委员会与首席执行官之间设立相互否决的机制,能够确保董事会不会充斥着傀儡,而是一些有能力与首席执行官发展“挑战性合作关系”的专家。

    We believe a mutual veto arrangement between the Committee and CEO can ensure boards are populated not with puppets but with experts capable of developing a " challenging partnership " with the CEO .

  28. 我确信,这将使提名委员会在确定候选人时能有更好的选择,在下一届年度股东大会上,让更多女性成为非执行董事。

    I am sure that this would give nomination committees access to a better choice of candidates and lead to more women being proposed as non - executive directors at the next annual general meeting .

  29. 他表示,提名委员会的组成将由今年举行的一轮公众咨询决定可能会提供一些与学生们达成协议的回旋余地。

    He said the make-up of the nomination committee – due to be decided during a round of public consultations this year – might offer some room for manoeuvre in striking an agreement with the students .

  30. 他可以获得董事会支持,让提名委员会开始行动;或者他也可以建议董事会考虑改组委员会,打破老格局,从而让新上任的独立董事在提名过程中发挥更大的作用。

    He can garner board support to get the nominating committee moving & or he can suggest that the board consider reconstituting its committees to shake things up and give newer independent members a bigger role in the nominations process .