
  • 网络Minority Interest
  1. 东京证交所(tse)目前正在拟定计划,对那些违反母子公司上市规则的上市公司进行处罚,以保护小股东权益。

    The Tokyo Stock Exchange is drawing up plans to discipline listed companies that breach its guidelines for parent-subsidiary listings , in an attempt to protect minority shareholder rights .

  2. 小股东权益受损分析

    Analysis of the Eroding of Minority Shareholders ' Rights and Interests

  3. 资本多数决的限制与小股东权益保护

    Capital most restriction and little stockholder ′ s equity protect

  4. 企业改制与小股东权益保护

    The Reform of Ownership and the Protection of Small Shareholder 's Rights

  5. 控股股东、实际控制权与小股东权益保护

    Controlling Shareholder , Actual Control Rights and the Protection of Separate Shareholders ' Interests

  6. 有限责任公司小股东权益随时都可能受到侵害。

    Majority shareholders in limited liability companies often impair the interests of minority shareholders .

  7. 小股东权益保护研究

    The Study of Protection of Minority Shareholders

  8. 本文讨论的是我国股份有限公司小股东权益保护的问题。

    The subject matter of this thesis is concerned with the protection of minor shareholders ?

  9. 小股东权益的保障是证券市场健康发展的基石。

    The protection of minority shareholders is the cornerstone for the development of Chinese Security market .

  10. 相对于我国较为薄弱的小股东权益保护机制而言,国外一些国家及地区在其公司制度发展的过程中已经形成了一整套比较完善、具体的小股东权益保护机制。

    Compared with our protection system to minority shareholders , other countries and areas have come into being an integrated system .

  11. 作为小股东权益保护的重要手段&派生诉讼,在我国《公司法》的规定中尚属空白。

    Derivative action , as an important measure for minority shareholder protection , has not yet been embodied by our Corporation Law .

  12. 小股东权益保护是建立资本市场的基本要求,对这一问题的研究具有深远的意义。

    The study of minority shareholders ' protection is meaningful because the protection of minority shareholders is required by the capital market .

  13. 本文认为,小股东权益的保护及债权人利益的保护直接关系到公司分立目的的实现程度。

    It is maintained that the fulfillment of the objective of corporate division relates directly to the proper handling of the above issue .

  14. 第一章从微观和宏观两个角度阐述了保护上市公司小股东权益的特殊意义;

    Chapter one sets forth the special significance in protecting the rights and interests of minority shareholders in terms of microcosmic and macroscopic .

  15. 股东派生诉讼是小股东权益保护的一种有效的事后救济方式。

    Lawsuit of stockholder representative , an effective method of remedies afterwards , is beneficial to protect little stockholder 's right and interests .

  16. 上市公司小股东权益一直难以得到切实有效的保护。大股东规则是导致这一状况的根本原因,但大股东规则在公司事务中又是不可避免的。

    The benefits of the minority stockholders always have the difficulties in protecting their rights in listed companies . Majority rule is reason .

  17. 由于股份有限公司是现代企业制度的理想模式,是现代公司法律制度之基石,故股份有限公司小股东权益保护显得尤为重要。

    As an ideal pattern in modern corporation system , the limited liability company is a milestone in the history of modern corporation law .

  18. 文章认为,资本多数决原则虽然体现了平等的精神,但也为大股东滥用控制权损害小股东权益提供了方便。

    This paper holds that although the Majority Rule reflects equality , it also does everything to suit majority shareholders ' convenience of abusing their controlling power .

  19. 本论文共分四章:第一章为小股东权益保护的法理分析,阐述对小股东进行保护的理由;

    The paper is made up of four chapters : the first chapter analyses the reasons why we should make laws to protect the rights and interests of minority shareholders ;

  20. 小股东权益保护是《公司法》理论和实务中一个比较新颖且颇具价值的重要问题,其所涉及的相关《公司法》问题十分广泛而庞杂。

    The protection of small and weak shareholders ' rights and interests is a new and valuable task both in theory and in practice in the " Companies act " .

  21. 本文论述了《公司法》中有关小股东权益的保障制度,提出从实体法与程序法两方面来构建和完善小股东的权益保障机制,以便更有效地实现小股东的权利行使。

    This paper discusses the protection of the minority shareholders , it advances to build and improve the mechanism of protecting minority shareholders from the substantive law and the procedural law .

  22. 在对国际比较的基础之上,论证保护小股东权益是促进股份制、股票市场良性循环的起点。

    This thesis also proves , on the basis of international comparison , that the protection of minority shareholders ' rights and interests is the starting point of improving stock market .

  23. 第二部分阐述了要约收购中对小股东权益的司法救济,包括完善要约收购中的小股东直接诉讼和完善要约收购中的民事赔偿机制。

    The second part illustrates justiciary relieve of minor shareholders ' rights in tender offer , including improvement of minor shareholders ' direct suits and improvement of our civil compensate system .

  24. 股份有限公司是现代企业制度的基石,良好的运行机制是保证这一制度健康发展的前提,而小股东权益保护状况如何又直接影响着公司的运作和发展。

    As an ideal pattern in Modern Corporation , the functional mechanism guarantees the healthy development of the system , and the protection status of the small-shareholders directly influences the operation and development of the corporation .

  25. 最终,我国异议股东股份回购请求权制度将更完备、更符合我国实际,从而在当前经济生活中充分发挥其应有功能,切实保障小股东权益。

    Thus , the appraisal rights in China will turn to be more corresponding with our local national reality , and play a right part in the current economical life to protect the interests of minority shareholders .

  26. 在我国,切实加强措施保护小股东权益的意义在于:1、有利于提高公司价值,扩大资本市场规模;

    In our country , the significances in protecting the rights and interests of minority shareholders are as follows : 1 . it helps increase the value of the company and extend the scope of the capital market ;

  27. 在结语部分,笔者初步回顾了一下全文的内容,进而提出,影响小股东权益保护的深层次原因在于股权革命的深入程度。

    In the part of concluding remarks , the writer reviews the content of this article , and then raises the point that the further reason that influences the defense of minority shareholder , is the level of share revolution .

  28. 本文从股份制发展的历史和内在矛盾方面分析小股东权益保护问题,并对侵犯小股东权益做出较详尽的理论探讨。

    From the perspectives of the development history and its inner contradiction of stock system , the author analyzes the issue of protection of minority shareholders rights and interests and discusses the issue on the encroachment of minority shareholders interests theoretically .

  29. 目前,我国理论界十分重视股份有限公司小股东权益的法律保护,但并不认为有限责任公司的小股东利益有从普通制度外给予特殊保护的必要。

    At present , our scholars put importance on the legal protection of common shareholders ' equity in stock limited company , but they think it is not necessary that common shareholders ' equity in limited liability company are given special protection except general provision .

  30. 在本文中,笔者首先对所涉及的基本概念进行界定,并在此基础上从股东平等原则和要约收购中的各种利益冲突两方面探讨了保护小股东权益的必要性。

    In this paper , firstly the author will define some basic concepts , and discuss the necessity of protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders from the following respects : the principle of equality of shareholders and various conflicts of interests during a tender offer .