
  • 网络niche product
  1. iMessage只是一款小众产品。

    Most app-to-app products are inter-operable , apple isn ' t. You have tons of differentiation .

  2. 另外一些更为复杂的服务还只是小众产品。

    Other more sophisticated services have remained niche products .

  3. 对于整个音乐行业来说,黑胶唱片的势头虽然愈来愈强劲,但仍然属于小众产品。

    For the music business over all , vinyl is still a niche product , if an increasingly substantial one .

  4. 电动汽车目前仍是极其小众产品,原因主要在于电池昂贵、续航太短而且汽油价格仍处低位。

    Electric vehicles remain a very small sliver of the automotive market , mostly because the batteries are expensive , range is limited , and gasoline remains affordable .

  5. 智能服装(设想一下:和互联网相连、能监测血流量的袜子)由于其价格和可靠性问题,仍将属于小众产品。

    Intelligent clothing , ( think : socks that are connected to the internet and can monitor your blood flow ), will stay niche due to price and inconsistency .

  6. 很多人都预测印刷业和恐龙走在同一条道上都会逐渐消失。即使纸质书籍不会完全消失,也会随着时间变成小众产品。

    Print is going the way of dinosaurs , many forecast . Even if they don 't vanish completely , books will become a niche item a la long-playing records .

  7. 我们的一些学生已向前一步,创立了小型企业,但市场是全球性的,尤其是如果他们的公司出售奢侈品或小众产品的话。

    We have students who have gone on to create small businesses , but the market is global , especially if the company is selling luxury and niche products , she says .

  8. 即使纸质书籍不会完全消,也会随着时间变成小众产品。对于那些认为可以从互联网获取任何信息的人,我想说:是的,你可以,但是你不会的。

    Even if they don 't vanish completely , books will become a niche item a la long-playing records.To those who believe they can get anything and everything from the Web , I 'll hereby add my two cents ' worth : Yes , you can , but you won 't do it .

  9. 不过出现了两种小众市场的产品:一个是80%键盘,一个是左手键盘。

    Here are two of these products aim for small niche market : 80 % keyboard and left-hander keyboard .