
  • 网络extended product;the augmented product;Extension Product
  1. 此外,分析了硫酸销售、延伸产品开发及污水治理等问题。

    Marketing of sulphuric acid , development of extended product and disposal of sewage are analyzed .

  2. 而且品牌的可延伸性与现有品牌权益中可以转移到新的延伸产品中的因素有关。

    Brand extension relates to what can be transferred into the new extended product in the present brand equity .

  3. 服务延伸产品差异化:服务增强机制探讨&基于Hotelling地点模型框架内的理论分析

    Service-based Product Differentiation : one Mechanism of Service-enhancement

  4. 当原品牌与延伸产品属于不同类别的时候,N400的振幅更大。(3)品牌延伸评估过程是初期的相似性判断和后期的契合性判断构成的二阶段过程。

    The more atypical product , the larger amplitude . ( 3 ) Brand extension consists of similarity judgment at the early stage and fit judgment in late stage .

  5. 发展钢管二次加工开发焊管延伸产品

    Carry out Second Processing and Develop Second Products for Welded Pipe

  6. 母品牌形象、拟合度对延伸产品态度的影响研究

    Effects of Parent Brand Image and Fit on Brand Extension Attitude

  7. 长链二元酸及其延伸产品的生产工艺和应用

    Process of producing binary acids with long chain and their derivatives

  8. 例如,智能家居助手音箱是合乎逻辑的延伸产品。

    For instance , a home assistant speaker is a logical extension .

  9. 延伸产品价格与延伸相似度对品牌延伸评价的交互影响

    The Interaction Effects of Price and Extension Similarity on Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extension

  10. 集团公司以黄酒为主业,积极发展黄酒相关延伸产品。

    Majoring in yellow wine , the group is actively developing its relevant extended products .

  11. 第二是围绕客户群,延伸产品线,提供专业化服务。

    Second , to extend the product line , and provide specialized services to the customers .

  12. 但是延伸产品的不同对延伸与耦合的结果有一定的影响。

    However , different augmented products make a certain impact on the result of the extension and the coupling .

  13. 如果原产品质量好,消费者倾向于认为延伸产品的质量也好,反之亦然。

    Given a high quality brand , customers tend to favor its extension product as well , and vise versa .

  14. 二氧化氯粉剂及延伸产品的开发

    Study on the Solid Product of Chlorine Dioxide and the Exploiture of Chlorine Dioxide Disinfect Powder The Exploitation of Official Automation

  15. 如何衡量消费者对景区延伸产品的评价,其评价受到哪些因素的影响,便是本文研究的问题。

    How to measure consumers ' evaluation of the extension products ? What factors influence their evaluation ? That is the problem of this study .

  16. 人造板主要包括胶合板、刨花(碎料)板和纤维板等三大类产品,其延伸产品和深加工产品达上百种。

    Wood based panel includes plywood panel , particle board , fiber board . There are hundreds of its extension products and deep processing products .

  17. 目前,关于延伸产品的研究大多是基于品牌的延伸产品,延伸产品的兴盛与其研究的稀少形成了理论研究的空白。

    Today , most of studies on extending brands , but not research on the extended-products ' boom , therefore that results a theories study blank on the extended-products .

  18. 公司以天然气为原料,不断延伸产品链条,已由单一产品结构发展成为多品种并举的产品结构。

    Relying on the natural gas as raw material , the product structure of the company has changed from single fertilizer to various chemical products by expanding its product chain .

  19. 品牌定位方面,向小型车及紧凑型车的方向延伸产品线,并提升产品更新换代及引入的速度。

    On product positioning , Volvo should improve product lines to small cars and the direction of the compact car . And promote the speed of product upgrading and the introduction .

  20. 结果显示:商业健身俱乐部一般实行会员制,它的服务产品由核心产品、期望产品、延伸产品构成;

    The results show that commercial fitness clubs generally put into practice the members system , their service products are made of the three parts of core products , expectant products and extending products .

  21. 主要体现在:(1)延伸产品不同,决定因素对延伸影响效果不同,选择的延伸策略不同,延伸过程也不同。

    They are primarily embodied in : ( 1 ) Different augmented products possess the different effects on the extension determinants , the different strategy of the extension , and different process as well .

  22. 旅游产品及其延伸产品耦合程度的高低直接影响旅游产品转型的结果,进而影响旅游产业的发展。

    The degree of the coupling , which is between tourism products and augmented products , will directly affect the results of tourism products in transition , and then affect the development of the tourism industry .

  23. 介绍了充分利用本地资源,延伸产品链形成煤、电、盐、化一体化和从原料中间体到产品,实现绿色环保、循环发展的具体技术改造措施,以及开展技术创新的具体内容。

    The full utilization of local resources , including extending products chain to forming the integration of coal , power and salt , realizing green environmental protection from intermediate to products , technical innovation cyclic development were introduced .

  24. 其中,除文化契合外,主要的影响因素包括母品牌信任、产品契合、消费者创新、购买风险、竞争者品牌的存在以及延伸产品需求这六个。

    Among these factors , except cultural fits , the most important six ones are parent brand trust , product fit , consumer innovation , purchase risk , the existence of competitor brands , and the need of extension product .

  25. 介绍了轻蜡油分离、长链二元酸及其延伸产品尼龙1212联合装置的生产工艺流程及其产品的应用前景,并对投资效益进行了分析。

    The combination process , which includes separation of light wax oil , production of binary acids with long chain and synthesis of nylon 1212 , was introduced . The prospects of these products and their investment results were analyzed also .

  26. 据此指出我国硫铁矿制酸企业应当珍惜并抓住当前的机遇,科学发展,加快发展,通过一些措施,如大型化,提高热利用率,开发延伸产品等,提高硫铁矿制酸企业的竞争力。

    It is proposed to cherish and gripe the opportunity to practice scientific and fast development and enhance the competition ability of pyrite-based sulphuric acid enterprises by some countermeasures , such as increasing scale , improving heat utilization efficiency and developing derived products .

  27. 对于延伸产品和原产品相关性的探讨,所有研究都认为转移性、互补性和替代性这三个因素均对延伸产品评价起作用,但是作用大小并不一样。

    D. About the fit between the parent and extension product , all the researches acknowledge the importance of three factors of fit ( i.e. transfer , complement and substitute ) to the brand extension evaluation , but they are of different magnitude .

  28. 企业将在促进产业技术升级,提高产品质量的基础上,进一步挖掘产品品牌内涵,延伸产品服务链条,通过专业化、精细化、规模化、产业化管理实现成本领先,有效控制经营风险。

    Enterprises will focus on upgrading industrial technology , improving the quality of products , building brands and extending the chain of products and services through specialized , sophisticated and scaled . So they can realize cost – leading management and control operational risks effectively .

  29. 在白胚的基础上,我们可以随心涂画出属于自己的“SUNDAY”,并可根据需求制作更多延伸性产品。

    On the basis of the white embryo , we can paint the heart of their own " SUNDAY ", and can be extended according to demand to produce more products .

  30. 用3种客观评分方法对国家气候中心为三峡库区提供的月动力延伸预报产品(500hPa位势高度场)进行了全面评估。

    Products of monthly dynamic extended range forecast ( DERF ) on Three Gorges Engineering were evaluated by using three score methods .