
  • 网络Consumer electronics;Consumer Electronic;CES;ConsumerElectronics
  1. 进入后PC时代消费电子产品再次成为世界电子信息产业的成长引擎。

    In the post PC era consumer electronics become the growth engine .

  2. 消费电子产品背光照明系统中一个重要的单元之一就是白光LED背光驱动芯片。

    One important element of consumer electronics backlight system is white LED backlight driver IC .

  3. 预计时尚的设计将成为下周拉斯维加斯消费电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)的一个重要主题。

    Stylish design is expected to be a key theme at next week 's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas .

  4. iPhone能成为有史以来利润最丰厚的消费电子产品,AppStore起到了巨大的作用。

    The App Store has been hugely important in making the iPhone perhaps the most profitable consumer electronic device ever .

  5. 东芝公司是消费电子产品的重要厂商,也是2010年世界第三大IC厂商。

    Toshiba is a manufacturer of consumer goods as well as being the world 's third largest producer of ICs in2010 .

  6. 今年1月份,华硕电脑在国际消费电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上发布了TransformerBookDuetTD300,该设备能在平板电脑与翻盖式笔记本电脑的形态之间自由转换。

    The Taiwanese company unveiled the Transformer Book Duet TD300 , which converts from a tablet to clamshell-style laptop , in January at the Consumer Electronics Show .

  7. 另外,LG将在2008年国际消费电子产品展上展示该项“移动手持”技术。

    LG will demonstrate the'mobile pedestrian handheld'technology at the2008 International Consumer Electronics show .

  8. CES2013国际消费电子产品展吸引了成千上万的技术爱好者们。

    Technology enthusiasts gathered by the thousands for CES 2013 .

  9. 张洪为,现任TI中国区高性能模拟产品销售经理,负责TI高性能模拟器件在消费电子产品和笔记本电脑市场的推广,销售。

    Will Zhang , High Performance Analog Product manager in TI China , takes charge of the sales and promotion in consumer electronics and NB computing .

  10. 在拉斯维加斯消费电子产品展览会(ConsumerElectronicsshow)开幕前夕,华纳兄弟表示支持蓝光,这可能成为一个关键举措,因为它将令蓝光格式出现在好莱坞约70%的影片中。

    Its backing of Blu-ray on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas could prove the decisive move because it will give Blu-ray about 70 per cent of Hollywood 's output .

  11. 随着计算机技术、计算机图形学、计算机辅助工业设计、交互技术和虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,VR)的快速发展,传统的消费电子产品的设计流程与方法也将随之改变和更新。

    With the development of computer technology , computer graphics , computer-aided design and virtual reality , traditional design processes and methods of consumer electronics product will also be changed and innovatory .

  12. 从消费电子产品到仪器仪表,从微处理器到大型的移动通信设备随处可以看见CMOS锁相环的身影。

    The shadow of the CMOS PLL can be seen everywhere from the consumption of electronics to the instrumentations , from the microprocessors to the large-scale mobile communication devices .

  13. 三星公司正与VerizonWireless合作,这样有助于加快和促进消费电子产品的革命化,可以通过LTE技术提供更丰富、更强大的用户体验。

    Samsung Mobile is collaborating with Verizon Wireless to help accelerate and revolutionize consumer electronics to deliver richer , more powerful user experiences through LTE technology .

  14. 上周在拉斯维加斯举行的大型国际消费电子产品展(CES)上,RIM还展示了它为PlayBook开发的新软件。

    At the giant Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week , it unveiled new software for the PlayBook .

  15. WOW对小型扬声器的意义:现在大多数消费电子产品和无线设备都变得越来越小,但音频能力却受到了限制。

    WOW for Small Speakers : Most of today 's consumer electronics and wireless devices are getting smaller in size , however the audio capabilities are becoming more robust .

  16. 英特尔首席执行长科再奇(BrianKrzanich)在国际消费电子产品展上发表主旨演讲时展示了华硕的这款可转换设备。

    Brian Krzanich , Intel 's chief executive , showed the Asustek convertible device during his CES keynote .

  17. 高德纳研究公司消费电子产品首席分析师保罗o奥多诺万表示:4K是电视的新兴标准。

    4K is the emerging standard for TVs , says Paul O ' Donovan , principal analyst of consumer electronics at Gartner .

  18. 具有体积小、灵敏度高、功耗小等优点,能够广泛应用于导航系统、汽车工业、PC游戏设备以及其他一些消费电子产品领域。

    For its merits of little volume , high sensitivity , low power consuming and etc. , it will be widely applied in navigation system , automobile industry , PC game devices , other consumed electronic products , and so on .

  19. 为苹果(Apple)和其他公司生产消费电子产品的富士康(Foxconn)计划在三年内让工厂里大约70%的工作实现自动化。此外,该公司位于成都的一家工厂已经实现了全部由机器人操作。

    Foxconn , which makes consumer electronics for Apple and other companies , plans to automate about 70 percent of factory work within three years , and already has a fully robotic factory in Chengdu .

  20. 21世纪以来,音频电子产品市场增长势头迅猛,越来越多的消费电子产品如MP3播放器、PMP等都要求高品质音频功能。

    Audio electronics market grows rapidly since the 21st century . More and more consumer electronics , such as MP3 players , PMP , require high-quality audio performance .

  21. 在消费电子产品展(consumerelectronicsshow)在拉斯维加斯举行之际,蓝光的竞争对手、以东芝和微软为首的hd-dvd阵营,上周末取消了很多计划进行的促销活动。

    Leaders of the rival HD DVD camp led by Toshiba and Microsoft over the weekend called off a number of promotional events that had been planned as the consumer electronics show gets under way in Las Vegas .

  22. 便携式数码助理为一消费电子产品,它可以在没有电脑的情况下完成转存数码设备存储卡上数据的功能,又可作为一般的高速大容量USB移动硬盘使用。

    The Portable Digital Assistant is a consumer electronics , which can store the data in the memory cards of digital products without computer around , and also be used as a large high-speed portable USB hard disk .

  23. 单机家庭影院系统,就是以DVD播放机为基础,将功放系统、收音系统有效整合为一体的多功能消费电子产品。

    Home Theater in a Box ( HTiB ) is a kind of consumer electronics that is based on DVD player , and integrate the amplifier system , radio system into one product .

  24. 在移动电话、MP4、笔记本电脑、LED电视等消费电子产品中,白光LED背光驱动芯片都有着广泛的应用,可被称为消费电子产品中便携式电池和LED背光照明单元的桥梁。

    In mobile phones , MP4 , laptops , LED TV , and other consumption electronic products , white LED backlight driver IC is widely used , which can be called a bridge between portable batteries and LED backlight unit .

  25. 航空业咨询顾问吉姆•埃克斯(JimEckes)表示:这显然是一个热爱各类新型消费电子产品的地区。

    This is clearly a region that loves all that is new in consumer electronics ,'' says Jim Eckes , an aviation consultant .

  26. 各种消费电子产品,包括智能手机,PDA,Web-TV,信息家电等等实现了随时随地得计算。

    All kinds of electronic products , including intelligent handset , PDA , Web-TV , domestic information electric appliances , and so on .

  27. 德国零售商麦德龙(metro)宣布,将加快在华投资速度,今年将在上海开设首家mediamarkt消费电子产品店,并拓展其经营批发业务的cash&carry连锁业务。

    Metro has announced that it is to accelerate investment in China with the opening this year of a first media markt consumer electronics store in Shanghai , and expansion of its wholesale cash & carry chain .

  28. 这也会给霍华德•斯金格爵士(SirHowardStringer)增加压力。自2005年就任索尼董事长兼首席执行官以来,他一直在努力促使公司核心消费电子产品业务扭亏为盈。

    It will also add to the pressure on Sir Howard Stringer , who has struggled to turn round the core consumer electronics business since becoming Sony 's chairman and chief executive in 2005 .

  29. 数字家庭概念是家庭网络和多媒体信息网络的融合,也是3C(电子计算机、消费电子产品和通信产品)的融合,它大致包含了家庭通讯、数字多媒体娱乐、家电控制、家庭安防等众多功能。

    Digital home is an integration of home network and multimedia information networks . It is also an integration of 3C ( computer , consumer electronics and communication ) products .

  30. 为了在中国开设消费电子产品门店,鸿海去年与德国零售商麦德龙(Metro)结盟,同时该公司计划进军绿色能源行业,包括在台湾建造一个太阳能工厂。

    Hon Hai last year teamed up with Metro , the German retailer , in order to open consumer electronics stores in China , and has plans to venture into green energy , including building a solar power plant in Taiwan .