
  • 网络consumer market;consumable market;FMCG
  1. 2012年加入世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)后,俄罗斯已经成为全球第九大消费品市场。

    A member of the World Trade Organization since 2012 , Russia has become the ninth-largest consumer market in the world .

  2. 消费品市场的销售情况开始有所改善。

    Sales in the consumer market are beginning to improve .

  3. 下一步是开发庞大的消费品市场。

    The next step is to tap the large market for consumer goods .

  4. 虽然政府投资是一个关键的动力,BRIC四国的末端消费品市场也是相当强大的。

    While government spending is a key driver , Dana notes that BRIC end use markets for consumer goods are also fairly strong .

  5. 麦肯锡(mckinsey)的一项调查对中国消费品市场不断上涨的竞争压力发出了警告中国消费者的价格关注度上升、品牌忠诚度下降,并且普遍变得更难以取悦。

    Chinese consumers are becoming more price conscious , less brand-loyal and generally harder to please , according to a McKinsey survey that warns of increasing competitive pressures in the Chinese consumer goods market .

  6. 与消费品市场不同,外国公司在中国的重型机械市场收获颇丰,比如卡特彼勒及其日本竞争对手小松(komatsu),它们的产品比中国本土同行的产品质量更好、价格更高。

    Unlike the consumer sector , the heavy machinery sector has largely rewarded foreign companies like Caterpillar and Japanese rival Komatsu that offer better quality at higher prices than their domestic peers .

  7. 发展农村消费品市场的对策研究

    A Research of Developing Countermeasure of the Rural Consumption Goods Market

  8. 中国快速消费品市场广告策略研究

    Research on Advertising Strategy of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in China

  9. 2010年上海世博会对消费品市场的影响

    Influence of the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai on Consumer Goods Market

  10. 我国消费品市场的周期波动特征分析

    The Analysis on the Characteristics of Chinese Consumption Product Market Periodic Fluctuation

  11. 消费品市场的潜在最有价值客户选择分析

    The Analysis and Selection of Potential Most Valuable Customer to Commodity Market

  12. 农民收入与消费品市场的相关分析

    On the Farmers ' Income and the Consumer Goods Market

  13. 未来5年内,中国将成为世界最大的奢侈消费品市场。

    China to be world 's biggest luxury goods market in5 years .

  14. 三足鼎立连锁为先&上海2002年快速消费品市场分析

    Analysis of Shanghai 's fast consumer products market in 2002

  15. 浅谈消费品市场存在的问题与培育对策

    Analysis into the Problems in the Consumer Goods Market and the Counter Measures

  16. 中国消费品市场蕴藏着巨大的潜力,零售业在中国市场的发展空间非常广阔。

    The great potential of Chinese consumption market makes retailing a promising industry .

  17. 重庆市消费品市场发展战略措施

    Developmental Strategic Measures of Consumer Goods Market in Chongqing

  18. 产业市场不同于消费品市场,它的供需双方均为企业等组织机构;

    The industrial market is different to consumer market .

  19. 在消费品市场上,资源的重复利用已经导致出现许多炼金术士。

    In consumer markets , recycling has already spawned an array of alchemists .

  20. 广州消费品市场的特点和走势判断

    Guangzhou ′ s Consumer-goods Market : Characteristics and Trend

  21. 青岛市消费品市场特征分析及发展思路研究

    The Character Analysis of Qingdao Consumable-Market and the Research of Its Development Ideas

  22. 2010年,中国消费品市场保持了平稳较快增长。

    In2010 , the Chinese consumer market maintained a steady and rapid growth .

  23. 2003年西安市消费品市场增长稳健。

    Xian consumer goods market enjoyed steady growth in2003 .

  24. 外国企业在中国消费品市场发力。

    Foreign enterprises are gaining momentum in the consumer goods market of china .

  25. 中国快速消费品市场中的品牌沟通策略浅析

    Analysis of the Brand Communication Strategy of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market of China

  26. 中国宏观消费品市场非均衡模型

    Disequilibrium Models for China 's Macro Consumption Market

  27. 四川消费品市场呈现可喜的发展局面。

    Sichuan consumer goods market shows favorable development .

  28. 现阶段中国商品性消费品市场研究

    The Present Stage China Consumption Market Research

  29. 五是消费品市场价格的变化;

    Changes of prices of consumer goods ;

  30. 女性消费品市场与经济增长关系的研究

    On the Relationship between Economic Growth and the Consumer 's Market for Women in China