
xiāo fèi liànɡ
  • amount of consumption
  1. 原油消费量与产业发展的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Amount of Consumption of Crude Oil and Industrial Development

  2. 肉类消费量略有增长。

    There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat

  3. 在发展中国家,香烟的消费量正在上升。

    In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing .

  4. 这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少。

    The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US .

  5. 在过去两年里,人均酒品消费量降低了。

    The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years .

  6. 啤酒的消费量还在增加吗?

    Is the consumption of beer still on the increase ?

  7. 当今电池的突破出现在这个世界试图让现代能源扩展到近十亿左右还未能接触到它的人们的时候,同时也可以减少导致全球变暖的石油的消费量。

    Today 's battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it , while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet .

  8. 人们饮食习惯的改变,包括气泡饮料消费量的大幅下降,已迫使该行业发生了根本性的变化。

    Shifting eating habits , including a sharp drop in consumption of sparkling drinks , have forced radical change on the industry .

  9. 消费量约占世界蒸馏酒的三分之一,中国白酒英文名正式启用“ChineseBaijiu”;

    Accounting for one-third of the world 's total consumption of distilled spirits , China 's famous distilled spirit will officially be called " Chinese Baijiu " in English ;

  10. 随着人们对维生素E消费量的增长,从植物油料中获得更多维生素E的研究势在必行。

    With the tocopherols consumption growing up , studies on tocopherols should be strengthened .

  11. 中国铝消费量与GDP产出关系的实证研究

    Empirical study on the relationship between China 's aluminum consumption and GDP output

  12. 最近的销量调查显示BayCity餐馆的海鲜菜肴的消费量比过去五年增加了30%。

    A recent sales study indicated that consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City restaurants has increased by30 percent over the past five years .

  13. 据伦敦的国际葡萄酒及烈酒研究所(InternationalWineSpiritResearch)说,未来三年,中国的葡萄酒消费量将从2011年的每人约1.4升增至2.1升。

    Wine consumption in China will increase to 2.1 liters a person over the next three years from about 1.4 liters in 2011 , according to London-based International Wine Spirit Research .

  14. 但他同样很可能是一名严重依赖苹果手机的用户:中国移动(ChinaMobile)曾表示,iPhone用户的数据消费量比3G用户平均值多出四分之一。

    But he is also likely to be a heavy user : China Mobile has said that iPhone users consume a quarter more data than its average 3G customer .

  15. PVC产量的增加刺激着热稳定剂消费量的增长,目前,全球热稳定剂的消费量约为30万t/a。

    The consumption of heat stabilizers increases with increasing production of PVC , which is about 300kt / a throughout the world at present .

  16. BP的这份出版物显示,中国能源消费量占全球的20.3%,超过了占全球19%的美国。

    The BP publication shows that China accounted for 20.3 per cent of consumption , surpassing the US , with a 19 per cent share of the global total .

  17. 麦格理研究(MacquarieResearch)的分析师在近期发表的报告中表示,在1999年至2009年的十年间,中国石油消费量增长了93%。

    In the decade between 1999 and 2009 , oil consumption in China increased by 93 per cent , according to analysts at Macquarie Research in a recent note .

  18. 采用醋酸下游产品对醋酸的需求增长和醋酸消费量与GDP指数增长的相关性两种预测方法预测2010年我国的醋酸需求量。

    To forecast demand volume of China acetic acid in2010 by two forecast ways : derviative products demand for acetic acid and intereletativity of consumption volume vs GDP index increase .

  19. 日本、新加坡和香港等地人均GDP较高,但其苏格兰威士忌的消费量却大大少于韩国、台湾和泰国。

    Where GDP per capita is high , such as Japan , Singapore and Hong Kong , Scotch consumption is actually much lower than in South Korea , Taiwan and Thailand .

  20. 依据《BP世界能源统计(2006年版)》,对2005年世界能源的消费量、储量和产量情况及其分布进行了深入的分析。

    In the light of BP Statistical Review of World Energy ( 2006 ), the article thoroughly analyzes consumption , reserves and production status as well as their distribution of world energy in 2005 .

  21. 结合安徽省2000-2007年各年份能源消费量和GDP,对安徽省能源及电力生产和消费基本情况进行了预测。

    This paper predicts the primary situation of production and consumption of both energy and electric power in Anhui with the annual amount of energy consumption and GDP from 2000 to 2007 .

  22. 虽然以色列食品的消费量很高,特别是对犹太食品,BMI预计来年人均食品消费量要下降。

    Although food consumption in Israel is high , particularly by regional standards , BMI predicts that per-capita food consumption is due to decrease in coming years .

  23. 实证研究部分,对中国经济增长(以GDP为代表)与石油等能源消费量进行了协整检验和Granger因果关系检验,并建立了ECM模型。

    The empirical research on the relationship between economic growth ( GDP ) and oil consumption in China was done by using the Co-integration test and Granger Causality test .

  24. 目前,国内h型钢市场尚处在启动期,消费量不足,产能未能充分发挥,应进一步开拓市场,扩大产品规格范围,完善配套服务措施,争取国家产业政策的支持。

    The home market for H-beam is in start-up period now . therefore , the market should be more developed in extending dimension range of product and perfecting sale service , and national policy sustaining should be strived for .

  25. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)2015年的一项调查结果显示,自2012年以来,汽水和西式快餐的消费量下降了五分之一。

    Results from a 2015 survey by McKinsey show that consumption of fizzy drinks and western fast food has fallen a fifth since 2012 .

  26. 氧化铟锡(ITO)是一种锡掺杂的半导体材料,铟消费量的80%以上用于铟锡氧化物透明电极。

    Indium tin oxide ( ITO ) is a tin-doped semiconductor material . ITO material has consumed more than 80 % of the indium produced over the world .

  27. 2003年世界LPG价格处于高位振荡,苏伊士以东出现供应短缺,人均年消费量达到约13千克。

    The global LPG price fluctuated at a high level in 2003 . The shortage in supply appeared east of the Suez with the annual per-capita consumption reaching 13 kilograms .

  28. 2012年花旗集团(Citigroup)的一份报告称,如果沙特的石油消费量按照目前的速度继续增长,到2030年该国可能成为一个石油净进口国。

    A 2012 Citigroup report said that if Saudi oil consumption continued to grow at current rates , the kingdom could be a net oil importer by 2030 .

  29. 随着天然气消费量逐年增长的趋势,充分考虑长距离输送的经济性和技术可行性,建设LNG长输管道非常必要。

    Along with the increase of natural gas consump - tion and considering the economic efficiency and technical feasibility , it is greatly necessary to build LNG long-dis - tance pipelines .

  30. 石油化工产业是国民经济的支柱性产业,化工产品中的聚氯乙烯(PVC)更是世界上产量及消费量最大的塑料产品之一。

    Petrochemical industry is a leading industry of our national economics , as a kind of chemical products , polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) is the largest production and consumption of plastic product in the world .