
  • 网络Consumption Guide
  1. CRU公司有色金属业务负责人保罗•罗宾逊(PaulRobinson)表示:我们认为,中国铝需求增长的第二阶段将由其国内消费引导。

    We see the next phase of demand growth in China will be led by domestic consumption , says Paul Robinson , CRU group manager for non-ferrous metals .

  2. 加快消费引导,培养理性的消费者;

    Speeding up the expense guide to train " the rational consumer ";

  3. 领导集团在消费引导方面的极端荒唐性。

    The absurdity of the leading clique in its guidance in consumption .

  4. 女性时尚杂志对女性消费引导的研究

    Research on Female Fashion Magazine 's Guidance for Women Consumption

  5. 相关的结论将有助于采取相应的合理的消费引导政策和服务业的产业结构布局规划,更好的发动消费对经济的拉动作用。

    Results can help the government adopt rational consumption policy to facilitate economic growth .

  6. 消费引导需要建立一个有效的诱导机制,需要大力发展知识经济。

    Consumptive guiding needs to establish an effective revulsive mechanism , need expands intellectual economy energetically .

  7. 环境保护必须建立科学的综合决策机制、完善的法律保障机制、合理的产业促进机制和文明的消费引导机制、严格的领导责任机制;

    Environmental protection must establish scientific synthesis policy-making mechanism , perfect legal ensuring mechanism , rational estate promoting mechanism ; civilized consumer guiding mechanism & strict leading responsible mechanism ;

  8. 其次,他试图瓦解马克思物质生产第一性的基本叙事逻辑,提出消费引导型科层制社会的现代性批判理论概念;

    For another , he attempts to refute Marx 's basic narrating logic in the priority of material production , and to raise a notion of the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption .

  9. 通过需求侧管理,运用经济手段、技术手段、组织手段和消费引导降低客户用电成本,同时提高电网运行的经济性;

    Through demand side management , by means of economic , technological , organize and consumption guiding to reduce the cost of using electricity and improve the economy of operation of power networks at the same time ;

  10. 第二章主要阐述农业产业链所具有的主要功能,认为农业产业链具有价值提升、产业强化、资源整合、消费引导及社会贡献功能。

    Chapter 2 focuses on the function of the industrial chain , considering that the agricultural industrial chain should have the functions of value upgrading , industry strengthened , resource integration , consumer guidance and contribution to society .

  11. 把握消费时尚引导家具潮流

    Mastering The Consumption Fashion Leading The Current Of Furniture

  12. 必须加强对大学生课外文化消费的引导。

    We must reinforce the conduct of the college students ' culture consumptions .

  13. 开展消费教育引导农村居民科学消费

    To Conduct Consumption Education and to Guide the Rural Residents to have Reasonable Consumption

  14. 第五部分针对这些偏误问题对青年消费进行引导,提出当代城市青年消费应遵循的原则。

    The fifth part points out several consumption principles to guide the contemporary urban youth consumers .

  15. 特别是我国经济正处于一个重要的转折时期,市场告别了短缺,逐步向买方市场转变,居民消费在引导生产、推动国民经济增长方面的作用日益明显。

    At present , economy in our country is on a turning point and lodging market turns to the buyer one .

  16. 为此,必将大力发展低碳消费,引导低碳技术在低碳消费品领域的应用,更好的带动我国经济的发展。

    So we must strive to develop Low Carbon Consume and lead the low carbon technology application in consumption goods in order to drive the development of our economy .

  17. 为提高农村居民生活质量,必须有农村经济的进一步发展为之奠定坚实的基础,更有赖于通过消费教育引导农村居民确立科学的消费观念、消费方式,鼓励农村居民适度消费。

    The improvement of the life quality of rural residents must be firmly based on the further development of rural economy , the consumption education that helps rural residents to develop correct and reasonable consumption concept and mode and encourage them to have consumption at a moderate degree .

  18. 与此同时,由于高新技术企业产品的科技含量高,消费者较难正确评估其价值,高新技术企业有必要对消费者进行知识普及和市场与消费的引导。

    At the same time , because of the products which are rich in high science technology , customers are hard to evaluate the profits of products . Therefore , the High New Technology enterprises have to disseminate the knowledge and guide the thoughts of consumption to customers .

  19. 充分发挥社区商业文化吸引消费、引导消费的价值,必须从战略的高度对待选址、服务配套、人员配备、参与社区建设等经营管理的问题。

    To the full use of the value of the commercial culture to attract and lead the consumption , We must deal with the management matters like the selection of address , attached service , equipment of the staff and the participation of the community construction from a strategic height .

  20. 论绿色设计对消费行为的引导

    Description of the Guiding of Green Design to Consumer Behavior

  21. 因此,对消费行为的引导,会直接影响到社会经济的发展模式。

    Therefore , the guidance on consumer behavior will directly affect the social economic developing mode .

  22. 虚无审美隐喻与消费价值观引导&对无印良品的设计剖析及其引发的思考

    The Aesthetic Metaphor of " Nihility " and the Guidance of Consumption Values-Analysis of MUJI Design

  23. 国球精神文化取向对乒乓球消费市场的引导

    The Guidance of National Ball Spirit of the Cultural Orientation on Table Tennis 's Consumer Market

  24. 加大宣传力度,转变市民的体育健身消费观念,引导市民进行科学健康消费。

    Fourthly , the citizens of sports fitness shift consumption conception and guide citizens for sports fitness consumption .

  25. 社会整体的消费大环境引导送礼者和受礼者的礼品馈赠消费观念。

    Environment of the consumer society as a whole to guide gifts and gifts of those gifts ideas about consumption .

  26. 作为传播消费文化、引导消费理念的消费类期刊,也在这一过程中获得了良好的成长空间。

    As the advocator of consumerism , the guide of consumption idea , consumer periodicals have gained a good developing potential .

  27. 如何正确适当地规范我国的网络消费环境、引导网络消费市场,成为我们不得不面对的问题。

    We have to face the problems such as how to regulate the environment of cyber-consumption and guide the cyber-consumption market properly .

  28. 第二,培养大学生健康消费心理,引导大学生树立理性消费观。

    Second , cultivate the healthy consumer psychology of college students inorder to guide them to establish a rational view of consumption .

  29. 财政政策作为重要的宏观调控手段,在调整农村消费结构、引导农民消费方向等方面意义重大。

    Fiscal policy is significant in adjusting the consumption structure and guiding the direction of consumption as an means of macroeconomic control .

  30. 可以对经营者进行广泛的、必要的和有效的社会监督,可以对消费者的消费行为加以引导。

    Can undertake to operator extensive , necessary supervise with effective society , can try to guide to the consumptive behavior of consumer .