
  • 网络consumer brand
  1. 今年该公司的发展目标是,成为领先的全球消费品品牌、以及全球性的行业参与者。为实现这一目标,该公司在展会上启动了一项面向全世界的广告宣传活动。

    This year , the company wants to become a leading global consumer brand , as well as a global industrial participant , and it launched a worldwide advertising campaign to that effect at the show .

  2. 据报道,亚马逊(Amazon)计划推出自有消费品品牌,例如小吃和洗衣粉。

    Amazon is reportedly planning to produce its own brand of consumer goods products , such as snacks and washing powder .

  3. 他在德克萨斯大学获得MBA的学位后,就开始在桂格燕麦公司担任消费品品牌管理工作。

    He received an MBA from the University of Texas and began his business career in consumer packaged goods brand management with Quaker Oats .

  4. 论文同时选取具有一定代表性的OTC药品(非处方药)为研究对象,构架起评估模型与消费品品牌资产价值评估之间的桥梁。

    At the same time , it selects the representative OTC ( over-the-counter ) as the studying object , to build up the bridge between the evaluation model and consuming products brand evaluation .

  5. 结果显示,聚类具有有效性,中国耐用消费品品牌定位呈现十字型。

    The results show that clusters are significant and the positioning of brands of Chinese durable goods present cross shape .

  6. 一直以来,品牌理论研究和实践的重点主要是一般的消费品品牌,而对工业品品牌关注度较低。

    Since always , theoretical research and practice for brand focused mainly is the general consumer . Brands of industrial products get lower attention .

  7. 消费者对高科技消费品品牌的认知对其行为倾向的影响是通过品牌关系质量实现的,其中消费者的感知利得和对企业的认知是对关系质量和行为倾向影响最为显著的两个构面。

    In consumers ' knowledge , perceived benefit and the cognition to company are the most obvious factors to affect relationship quality and behavior tendency .

  8. 发现快速消费品品牌传播缺乏统一、持续的品牌传播策略;品牌传播整合的力度不够;品牌传播是快速消费品品牌成长的关键。

    Found that the FMCG branding diffusion lacked of a unified and continuing strategy ; branding diffusion is not integrated enough ; branding diffusion is the key of FMCG growth .

  9. 论文首先回顾了品牌在美国发展的历史为四个阶段:从个体生产者拥有消费品品牌发展到注重品牌的宣传,后来二战时期的品牌经理家的出现,直到当今时代的品牌管理系统。

    Firstly , this paper reviews the history of brand development in America , it developed from brands of consuming products of individual producers to emphasizing brands publicizing , the attendance emerging of brand manager during the Second World War and the contemporary brand management system .

  10. 在第三波中国对外并购中,快速消费品、品牌、以及旅游业与休闲行业等服务业有望成为一个突出特色。

    Fast moving consumer goods , brands and experiences such as tourism and leisure sectors are expected to feature prominently in the third wave of China outbound MA .

  11. 尤其对于制造商品牌的研究更是形成了一套比较完整的理论体系,有关消费品经销商品牌的理论研究也成为了近年来理论界和企业界关注的重点。

    The research for Manufacturer Brand has especially formed a rather complete theoretical system , with the research in Consumer Goods Merchant Brand becoming the focal point of academics and enterprises .

  12. 借助对网络媒体特点、网络口碑效应和媒体传播纵深度的分析,证明网络媒体是快速消费品行业品牌发展的优化平台。

    With the analysis of the network media characteristics , the word-of-mouth network effect of the Internet and the comprehensive communication of media , it proves that the network media is the most optimized platform of the FMCG brand .

  13. 本研究表明,品牌意识在消费者高科技消费品的品牌知识中起着基础性的作用,既是消费者对特定品牌形成认知的前提,也能强化消费者对品牌的价值感知。

    The paper indicates that , brand awareness play foundational role in high-tech brand knowledge , which not only is the premise to form the cognition of specific brand , but also can strengthen the consumers ' perceived value .

  14. 鉴于此,非常有必要将现有的品牌理论系统的加以研究,提出针对消费品的品牌传播整合模式,以求解决这个问题。

    Under this kind of situation , very the necessity there is take intoning the research , bring upping to aim at the consumer goods of system spread the mode the integration brand of current brand theories , and resolve this problem .

  15. 在“第三波”中国对外并购中,快速消费品、品牌、以及旅游业与休闲行业等服务业有望成为一个突出特色。这背后的推动力来自人们可支配收入和财富的增加。

    Fast moving consumer goods , brands and experiences such as tourism and leisure sectors are expected to feature prominently in the " third wave " of China outbound M & A. This is driven by increased disposable income and wealth creation .

  16. 在耐用消费品行业,品牌的重要性也被广泛认同。

    The quilt also accepts the significance in durable consumer goods industry , the brand broadly .

  17. 在普通消费品市场是品牌领先原则,在房地产市场同样如此。

    The brand strategy has been used in normal consume goods , what is the situation in the real state market ?

  18. 在实际经济活动中,各个行业尤其是快速消费品行业对品牌营销的需求尤为直接、尤为重要,这充分验证了理论与实践的密不可分的关系。

    In economic activities , brand marketing is turning to be more and more important which validated the intimate relation between theory and practice .

  19. 非常荣幸今天我能代表迪士尼消费品出席伊利品牌升级新闻发布会。

    On behalf of Disney Consumer products , I 'd like to say that it 's an honor and big pleasure to participate the brand repositioning press conference of Yili group .

  20. 本文还对快速消费品进行网络品牌推广存在的误区及发展方向进行了探讨,着重于理论与实际相结合,期冀对我国快速消费品行业的品牌发展具有较强的指导意义。

    With the combination of theory and practice , this article also discusses the misunderstandings and out-ways of the brand promotion of the FMCG , excepting that it can be generated a profound guide for brand development of the FMCG in China .

  21. 中国快速消费品市场中的品牌沟通策略浅析

    Analysis of the Brand Communication Strategy of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market of China

  22. 因此,印度烟草公司决定按比例扩大新的快速消费品业务,如品牌包装食品、生活方式零售业和其他业务。

    Accordingly , the company has decided to scale up the new FMCG businesses like branded packaged foods , lifestyle retailing and others .

  23. 也有些消费品公司将企业品牌推广瞄准特定市场、而非特定活动,联合利华在巴西的推广就属于这种情况。

    Other consumer goods companies use corporate branding to target specific markets rather than specific events , as was the case for Unilever in Brazil .

  24. 采用结构方程模型进行实证研究,结果表明相似度是影响消费类高科技品牌延伸成功的最关键因素,与以前针对快速消费品领域的品牌延伸的实证研究结论相似。

    This paper uses SEM model in the empirical study , the result mentions that similarity is the most important factor , which is the same to the research result in FMCG area .

  25. 然后介绍了快速消费品的市场现状,分析快速消费品的消费特征与消费者购买行为特征,以及对快速消费品品牌传播特点与存在的问题进行了分析。

    Then introduced the situation of fast-moving consumer goods market , and analyses the characteristics of the consumer goods and consumer buying behavior characteristics , and carried out analysis the characteristics of consumer goods brands spreading and the existing problems .