
  • 网络Consumer Logistics
  1. 基于消费者剩余的物流服务定价方法研究

    Study on Logistics Service Pricing Method Based on Consumer Surplus Theory

  2. 基于消费者感知视角的物流外包与企业品牌损益

    Logistics Outsourcing and Enterprise 's Brand Profit and Loss Based on Customer Perception

  3. 提供最经济,最高效的现代物流服务,以满足消费者的需求是物流企业的首要目标。

    Provide the most economical and most efficient logistics services to meet consumer demand is the primary objective of logistics enterprises .

  4. 面对专业市场的分销物流和面对消费者的城市配送物流两部分,目前佛山都非常滞后。

    Faced with the professional market , distribution logistics and distribution logistics to their customers two cities now are very delayed Foshan .

  5. 配送作为物流活动的一个直接环节与消费者相连,对物流活动的顺利开展发挥着及其重要的作用。

    Distribution logistics plays an important role in the smooth development of the logistics activities , because distribution logistics activities as a direct link with consumers .

  6. 然而,当零售商从中国沿海地区向内地挺进、以寻找新的消费者时,由于物流基础设施比较原始,它们在保证产品质量方面面临着巨大挑战。

    Yet as the retailers move inland from china 's coastal areas in search of new customers , they are facing huge challenges in ensuring the quality of their products because of primitive logistics infrastructure .

  7. 应当增加候选物流商,(给消费者以自主选择物流商的权利),提高物流过程透明度,制止物流乱收费,敦促物流商履行事前告知义务。

    Candidate logistics providers should be increased ( to consumers right to choose a logistics company ), to improve the transparency of the logistics process to stop the logistics arbitrary charges , urged the logistics provider to honor a prior obligation to inform .

  8. 同时,46.6%消费者相信网购生鲜农产品完全能够实现。(2)消费者期望价格与传统方式持平甚至更低,消费者对物流配送速度和产品质量要求较高。

    Moreover , 46.6 % consumers believe that online buying fresh produce would be attained completely . ( 2 ) The consumers ' expectation price is as same as traditional way , and even lower . But consumer request fast velocity of physical distribution and high quality of produce .