
  • 网络sale logistics;Distribution logistics;physical distribution
  1. 汽车销售物流联盟的构建与优化研究

    Research on Construction and Optimization of Automobile Distribution Logistics Alliance

  2. 现代企业物流研究和改进的重点就是企业销售物流。

    Modern research and improve focus on the business enterprise logistics distribution logistics .

  3. XX医药集团销售物流流程再造研究

    A Research on Process Reengineering of Pharmaceutical Sales Logistics System for XX Group

  4. 基于VMI的大件商品制造企业销售物流整合模式

    Integration Model of Large Goods Sales Logistics base on VMI

  5. 连锁销售物流模式下基于QR策略的配送决策模型

    Distribution Decision Model Based on QR Policy in Chain Sales

  6. 基于VMI和TPL的汽车整车销售物流系统研究

    System Analysis of Finished Vehicle Marketing Logistics Based on VMI and TPL Theory

  7. XS公司的销售物流管理策略研究

    Strategy Study on Sales Logistics Management of XS Company

  8. 最后,根据XS公司销售物流管理的目标和原则,提出了销售物流管理的策略;

    Finally , the thesis proposes that the sales logistics management strategy according to the goal and principle of sales logistics management of XS Company ;

  9. 通过对剑光酒厂采购物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流四个方面的具体分析,提出实施5S持续改善、定量订货、共同配送等优化策略,合理改善剑光酒厂的企业物流。

    Analyzing the procurement logistics , production logistics , marketing logistics and recycling logistics , the paper puts forward the optimized strategy as implementing five S , quantitative order and joint delivery etc. in order to improve the business logistics of the Brewery .

  10. 支持现代物流管理模式的信息系统设计方案&兼析生产型企业销售物流管理业务流程重组

    Design Plan of Information System Based on Modern Logistics Management Mode

  11. 最后是对美菱公司的销售物流网络的重新规划。

    Finally Meiling company 's sales logistics network re-planning is shown .

  12. 效益背反理论在钢材销售物流中的应用探讨

    Discussion about the Application of Trade off Theory in Steel Sales

  13. 分析销售物流与其他物流的区别;

    Analyses the difference between sales logistics and other logistics ;

  14. 我国食品供应链的销售物流研究

    Study on Sale Logistics of China Food Logistics Supply Chain

  15. 吉林石化公司销售物流系统的重建

    Reconstruction of Marketing Logistics System for Jilin Petrochemical Company

  16. 基于快速反应的企业销售物流管理研究

    Study on Distribution Logistics Management Based on Quick Response

  17. 我国家电销售物流渠道研究

    Study on the Home-Appliance Distribution Logistics Channel in China

  18. 基于时基竞争战略的销售物流模型构建

    The Constructing of the Marketing Logistics Model Based on the Time-Based Strategy of Competition

  19. 第4章对销售物流在大规模定制营销中复杂性进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 firstly , shows the complexity of sales logistics in mass customized marketing .

  20. 销售物流中既有人与人业务上的工作流信息、又有物料移动产生的物流信息。

    The distribution contains the workflow information among people and logistics information in material movement .

  21. 入世后流通企业在销售物流中的挑战与对策

    Challenge and Countermeasure in Sales Logistics for Material Circulation Enterprises after China has Entered WTO

  22. 销售物流是钢厂整体物流的一个重要组成部分。

    Distribution logistics is a significant component of the iron and steel mill overall logistics .

  23. 整车销售物流的服务水平低;难以形成差异化的竞争优势;

    Bad service of auto distribution logistics : hard to get an advantage of difference competition .

  24. 接下来对家电连锁销售物流管理中的信息传递问题进行了深入分析;

    Secondly , it deeply analyses the question of the information transfer in home-appliance distribution logistics .

  25. 鞍山钢铁公司钢铁销售物流的优化与应用研究

    The Optimization of Steel Distribution Logistics and Its Applications to Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation

  26. 合理的农业销售物流结构的研究

    On Rational Agriculture Selling Logistics Structure

  27. 基于自动计量的煤炭销售物流实时管理系统的集成设计

    Integrated Design of Coal - sale Material Distribution On - line Management System Based on Auto-measurement

  28. 销售物流信息系统是企业物流管理信息系统的重要组成部分。

    The distribution logistics information system is one of the important parts in enterprise logistics information system .

  29. 汽车销售物流作为连接生产者与消费者的桥梁,有着重要的地位和作用。

    Car sales logistics as a link bridge , producers and consumers an important role and status .

  30. 对钢厂来说,销售物流的概念覆盖到车辆的进厂、装载、出厂。

    The concept of distribution logistics for steel mill covers the vehicle entering , loading , leaving .