
xiāo shòu shōu rù
  • sales revenue;proceeds of sale;proceeds form the sale
  1. 包括电视机和高保真音响在内的黑色家电的销售收入增加了将近12%。

    Revenue from brown goods , including televisions and hi-fis , rose nearly 12 per cent .

  2. 汽车销售收入近来缩水了。

    Sales income of cars has shrunk recently .

  3. NFL每个纸板向球迷收取了100美元,使得NFL足足赚到了300万美元的收入,用来弥补损失的门票和特许销售收入。

    The NFL charged fans $ 100 for each cardboard cutout at the game . That 's a cool $ 3 million in revenue to make up for some of the lost ticket and concession sales .

  4. 美国唱片工业协会(RecordIndustryAssociationofAmerica)称,2010年在线音乐订阅销售收入达到了2.01亿美元。

    Online subscriptions revenues were about $ 201 million in 2010 , according to the record industry association of America .

  5. 对SAT公司从2004年6月到到2005年1月的经营情况进行了简单的总结,包括销售收入、利润等。

    And summarizing the management of SAT from June 2004 to January 2005.including sale income and profit .

  6. 第一个等式中的“C”是指边际贡献,它是指销售收入和变动成本之间的差额。

    The letter " C " in the first equation refer to " contribution " . It means the difference between sales revenue and variable costs .

  7. 戴尔电脑(DellComputers)是全球PC业的霸主,2002财年销售收入达到了310亿美元。

    Dell Computers is the industry leader in PC world . Its revenue in Financial year 2002 reached $ 31 billion .

  8. Facebook公司的销售收入预计将增至约43亿美元,这很大程度上要归功于其官方虚拟货币FacebookCredits。

    Facebook is expected to grow to nearly $ 4.3 billion in sales thanks in large part to Facebook credits .

  9. 奥迪(Audi)凭借推出一系列新车型,销售收入一直节节攀高。

    Audi has been rolling up sales gains with impressive new model launches .

  10. Twitter最新的IPO申请文件更改、丰富了部分广告销售收入入账的说明。

    Twitter changed and expanded the description of how it tallies sales from some of its advertising deals in its IPO filings .

  11. 芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)的CEO保罗·欧德宁领导该公司连番实现了创纪录的销售收入&该公司上一财年的销售收入高达540亿美元。

    Intel CEO Paul Otellini led the chipmaker to record sales & a whopping $ 54 billion in its last fiscal year .

  12. 但微软(Microsoft)上周四就给他们泼了这么一盆冷水:这家软件集团宣布,上市24年来首次出现全年销售收入下滑。

    But Microsoft gave them one on Thursday when the software group announced the first fall in full-year sales in its 24 years as a public company .

  13. 中芯国际首席执行官张汝京(richardchang)表示,预计当前季度销售收入还将下降50%。

    In the current quarter , revenue is expected to drop by another 50 per cent , said Richard Chang , its chief executive .

  14. TT电动工具公司划拨出约10%的年销售收入用于产品的研发。

    The TT Power Tools is a company who sets aside almost 10 % of annual sales for research and development .

  15. 来自信息咨询公司IHS的一份行业报告称,2013年信息娱乐系统的销售收入将达到67亿美元。

    An automotive industry report from IHS pegs infotainment revenues at $ 6.7 billion for 2013 .

  16. 根据该网站统计,HumbleBundle已售出147000个游戏包(平均每个游戏包4.96美元),获得销售收入超过730000美元。

    According to a counter on its website , Humble Bundle has generated over $ 730,000 in sales on147,000 bundles ( $ 4.96 per bundle ) .

  17. 在该公司2700万英镑的年销售收入中,三分之一来自所谓的地中海俱乐部(ClubMed)欧元区国家。

    The company , based in Stroud , relies on the so-called Club Med eurozone countries for a third of its £ 27m annual sales .

  18. 毕竟,微软逾25%的销售收入来自Windows,而且该公司的很大一块利润也来自Windows&尽管由于产品开发成本上升,最近利润率有所下降。

    After all , Windows accounts for more than a quarter of sales and a much bigger slice of profits , even in spite of recent margin declines due to higher product development costs .

  19. 这样做有点招人反感,但在iPhone销售收入下滑之际,该公司此举或许不失为扩大业务的明智之举。

    The jargon is a bit sickening , but this probably reflects a sensible effort by the company to broaden its offerings with revenue from iPhones falling .

  20. 英国石油(BP)首次以石油销售收入为抵押,筹集50亿美元新贷款,以在墨西哥湾漏油事件之后增强其流动性。

    BP has raised $ 5bn in new loans by pledging revenues from oil sales for the first time in a bid to bolster its liquidity in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico spill .

  21. HL公司作为行业的领头羊,也陷入了市场份额下降、销售收入下滑的被动局面。

    HL company as the industry leader , had gone into decline in market share , sales revenue decline in the passive situation .

  22. 本文介绍了2001年全国印刷书写用纸、油墨、PS版、印刷胶辊、印刷感光胶片、电化铝和印刷橡皮布7种印刷器材的产量和销售收入等基本情况。

    The essay is a brief introduction of national printing equipment output and revenue of writing paper , ink , PS plate , composition roller , photosensitive film , electrolytic aluminium and blanket in 2001 .

  23. 去年9月,华为聘请IBM的顾问为其新建立的手机业务提供品牌营销方面的建议。手机业务是华为消费产品部门的一部分。去年华为实现销售收入324亿美元,其中消费产品占了21%。

    Last September , Huawei hired consultants from IBM for advice on branding its nascent cellphone business , part of a consumer unit that accounted for 21 % of the company 's $ 32.4 billion in sales last year .

  24. 2008年,沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffet)购入了比亚迪10%的股份;在去年的巅峰时期,比亚迪的市值约为250亿美元,是销售收入的4倍还多。

    Warren Buffet bought a 10 per cent stake in 2008 ; at its peak last year BYD was worth some $ 25bn or more than four times sales .

  25. 可持续增长率(SGR)是企业保持正常经营条件下所能实现的最高的销售收入增长率;

    ( c ) Sustainable growth rate is the highest sales growth rate that the firms can obtain under the normal operation conditions ;

  26. 采矿业的利息、税项、折旧与摊销前利润(ebitda)总额占销售收入的比例仍高达44%。

    Aggregate earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation still equate to a whopping 44 per cent of sales .

  27. 相比之下,历峰、路易威登和古姿(Gucci)分别有46%、35%和43%的销售收入来自亚洲。

    This compares with 46 per cent of sales from Asia for the Richemont , 35 per cent from the region for LVMH and 43 per cent for the Gucci Group .

  28. 经营杠杆度DOL与安全边际系数MRS互为倒数关系,两者都对企业的经营状况起警示作用;③经营杠杆度DOL对销售收入S的函数为单调减函数;

    Between degree of operating leverage DOL and degree of margin of safety MRS are reciprocal ( 3 ) DOL is a monotone minus function to sale income .

  29. 第一部分介绍HF公司的创业历程,突出介绍其市场开拓和产品技术、质量保证能力不断提升的基本历程以及销售收入、净资产、利税总额增长情况。

    The first part introduces the history of HF company , mainly focusing on the basic history of market exploitation , the continuous improvement of quality assurance capability and the increase of sales volume , net assets and gross profits .

  30. 应用该模型建立了紫金矿业股份有限公司的入选矿石品位、矿石综合成本、黄金综合成本、黄金产量、销售收入、利润总额和资产总额的灰色GM(1,1)模型。

    By using it , the Grey Models GM ( 1,1 ) of ore grade , synthetic ore cost per ton , comprehensive gold cost , gold output , selling earning total profits and assests of Zijinshan Mining Ltd. Co. are established respectively .