
  • 网络rendering of services
  1. 提供劳务收入;

    Income from providing labor services ;

  2. 向公众出售货物或提供劳务的收入或其他由政府帐户支付的收入一般说来,地方政府的收入主要来自财产税,州政府大多依靠营业税和消费税。

    In general , local governments have received most of their tax revenues from property taxes , while state governments traditionally have depended on sales and excise taxes .

  3. 农村劳务经济是指农村劳动者为本家庭以外的单位或个人提供劳务而获取报酬收入的经济活动。

    The rural labor economy refers to the economic activity that rural workers provide service for entities or individuals other than their families and thus earn income .