
  • 网络shipping guarantee
  1. 浅论提货保函的价值与缺陷

    On the Value and Defect of Letter of Guarantee

  2. 法学家们对提货保函法律效力的讨论不断,最终也没有得出一致的解决方式。

    Jurists have continued to discuss about the effects of it , and they have not get a consistent conclusion .

  3. 自提货保函出现以来,因提货保函引起的诉讼在全球范围内频频发生。

    Since the Letter of gurantee has been put forward , the lawsuit of it occurs from the global frequently .

  4. 提货保函是在国际海上货物运输的无单放货现象中产生的,给当事人带来了快捷、便利等好处,弥补了提单的程序性带来的呆板给海运贸易造成的负担,大大有益于国际贸易运输。

    Letter of guarantee was created by the phenomenon of international delivery of cargo without presentation of original BL. It brings the party shortcut and convenience , and also it compensates for its stiffness in BL which makes the burdens during the seaborne trade .

  5. 但提货保函的出现使提单具有的唯一的物权性质受到了影响,对提单制度带来了巨大的挑战,极大地冲击了国际航运贸易的正常秩序。

    However , letter of guarantees affects the nature of the only property that a bill of lading has , bringing an enormous challenge to the bill of lading system , and having a great impact on the international shipping trade in the normal order .