
tí cún
  • make drawings;draw/withdraw savings
  • debtor's submission of the subject matter of an obligation to competent authorities
  1. 如果一方的雇主提供401(k)匹配缴费计划,这一方最好能够提存足够多的钱,以达到这个计划的标准。

    If one partner 's employer offers a 401 ( k ) matching contribution , it probably makes sense for that person to contribute at least enough to qualify for the employer match .

  2. 核准备用后偿贷款融通应提存坏帐准备的贷款

    Approved standby subordinated loan facility credit qualifying for bad debts reserve

  3. 同样的情况也适用于私人养老金和约定提存养老金。

    These same issues apply to those on private and defined-contribution pensions .

  4. 提存费用由债权人负担。

    Escrow expenses shall be borne by the obligee .

  5. 提存公证若干问题探讨

    Discussion on several issues relating to notarial conservation

  6. 债务人依法将标的物提存;

    The obligor placed the subject matter in escrow in accordance with the law ;

  7. 论提存的构成要件与效力

    On the Component Requisites and Effects of Take-and-Deposit

  8. 但是,你也许应该将房租向银行提存。

    However , you probably should put your rent into an " escrow " account .

  9. 破产抵销权起始于抵销权,与清偿、混同、提存等都是债消灭的方式。

    The right is the way of elimination of right together with pay-off , confusion and drawings .

  10. 一般条件包括行为人合格、意思表示真实和提存之债需为合法之债,特殊条件则指提存的法定原因和提存标的物合格。

    General conditionsincludes : qualified actors , intention expressed is genuine , and the debt must be legal .

  11. 提存制度研究

    Research on Deposit Institutions

  12. 公司决定从今年的利润中提存一部分用作证券投资。

    The company has decided to earmark a portion of this year 's profits to invest in securities .

  13. 未按照规定提存保证金或者违反规定动用保证金的;

    Failing to set up a guarantee fund or violating the stipulations regarding the application of the guarantee fund ;

  14. 提存物扣除提存费用后归国家所有。

    After deduction of escrow expenses , the subject matter in escrow shall be turned over to the state .

  15. 但我国法律制度至今仍很不健全,民法典尚付之阙如,提存制度分散而零乱,缺乏系统性和协调性。

    Owing to the under-development of our legal system , the deposit system is still disorder and lack of system .

  16. 如果买卖双方想绝对确保交易的合法性,他们需履行提存手续。

    If the parties want to make absolutely sure of the validity of the transaction , they will close in escrow .

  17. 提存条件包括特殊条件(即本质条件)及其作为法律行为所隐含的一般条件。

    The conditions includes special conditions ( substantial condition ) and general conditions , the later are implied by deposit as a legal act .

  18. 质权人不能妥善保管质物可能致使其灭失或者毁损的,出质人可以要求质权人将质物提存,或者要求提前清偿债权而返还质物。

    The pledgee shall be civilly liable for the loss or destruction of or damage to the pledged property resulting from his negligence in storage .

  19. 罗马法以降的近代民法和现代民法中,提存都作为一项债的消灭原因与方式的制度流传下来,显示出其存在的价值。

    In the neoteric and modern civil laws descending from Roman law , drawing has shown its value as one of reasons and means for the extinction of debt .

  20. 这样做就会使学生有把握使自己记录上的银行存款余额.银行提存对照表上的相符了。

    This will enable the student to make sure that the record of the amount remaining in the account coincides with that shown in the bank 's monthly statement .

  21. 同时如果被投资企业有尚未分配的利润或税后提存的各项基金等,上述留存收益金额不能从股权转让价中扣除。

    In the event of invested enterprises have non-allocated profit or various funds after tax profit drawing , the invested enterprises shall not deduct aforesaid income sum from share transfer price .

  22. 标的物不适于提存或者提存费用过高的,债务人依法可以拍卖或者变卖标的物,提存所得的价款。

    Where the subject matter is not fit for escrow , or the escrow expenses will be excessive , the obligor may auction or liquidate the subject matter and place the proceeds in escrow .

  23. 保险责任准备金是保险组织为了承担未到期责任和处理未决赔款而从保费收入中提存的一种资金准备,它会因保险合同的类型不同而呈现出不同的性质。

    Reserve is a kind of fund reserve drawn from insurance income for insurance organizations to assume immature liability and deal with unsettled claims , whose quality varies according to different types of insurance contracts .

  24. 在筹集阶段,首先需要精算师对企业年金进行精算估计,然后委托人根据精算师的精算报告提存企业年金,此时的核算主体是委托人。

    On the stage of raising enterprise pension , it need be actuarial evaluated by actuary firstly , then truster contribute enterprise pension according to actuarial report , truster is separate-entity of enterprise pension accounting at this time .

  25. 在配套制度方面,主张加强我国的信用制度建设,完善债权交易机制,健全提存制度。

    As for the supporting system , this article advocates that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of our credit system , to perfect the mechanism of exchange of the creditor rights , and to optimize the deposit system .

  26. 出质人转让股票所得的价款应当向质权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与质权人约定的第三人提存。

    The proceeds the pledgor obtained from the transfer of the certificates of stocks shall be used to pay in advance the pledgee 's claims secured , or be deposited with a third party as agreed upon with the pledgor .

  27. 第三节介绍了应收账款双方当事人所涉及的权利和义务,例如质权人享有的优先受偿权、救济权、提存权以及追及权和破产收回权。

    Section III introduces the receivables involved in the parties rights and obligations , such as pledgee have the priority claim , the right to relief , recovery and escrow rights and the right to recover the rights and bankruptcy .

  28. 文中关于第三方支付平台与网络提存的结合,是作者提出的新思路,另外,建立公证网与电子政务网之间相互的融通的专网也是本文的一个创新观点。

    Combination of internet and payment by the third party platform is a new thought put forward by the author . In addition , establishing a special internet which notarization internet and electronic government internet can work in harmony is an innovative thought of this paper .