
tǎo zhài
  • Debt collection;dun;ask for payment of debt;demand repayment of a debt;demand repayment of a loan
讨债 [tǎo zhài]
  • [demand repayment of a debt;dun] 要回借给人的钱财

讨债[tǎo zhài]
  1. 他们以为讨债的来了,就从安全的地方朝外窥伺。诺尔:我在逃避债主的追讨时绊倒。

    They take me for a dun , peer out from a coign of vantage . Noel : Running away from the debt collector ! I tripped .

  2. 违约者面临的另一个风险是,银行可能会把追索权出售给催收机构和其他公司,这些公司有可能在止赎后最长20年的时间里向借款人讨债。

    Another risk for defaulters is that banks could sell the rights to pursue claims to collection agencies or other firms , which could then dun the borrowers for up to20 years after a foreclosure .

  3. 要是讨债人来向你要钱,你怎么办?

    What will you do if the debt collector comes down on you ?

  4. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。

    Bankruptcy . A debtor may file for bankruptcy , which is called " voluntary bankruptcy " .

  5. 分析人士认为,这使得雇佣专业讨债公司的需求出现,特别是在信贷扩张,经济增速下降的地区。

    That brought about a need to hire specialist debt-collection agencies , particularly in regions where credit expanded and economic growth slowed , said analysts1 .

  6. 和很多销售团队一样,安哥(Encore)公司在印度的讨债员在上班之前每天都要进行激励土气的讲话。

    Like many sales teams , Encore 's collectors in India gather for a daily pep talk before their shift .

  7. IMF过去过多地扮演债权国的讨债机构、以及将美元作为唯一储备货币的捍卫者的角色,甚至在贸易政策中照顾美国个别产业的利益。

    The fund acted far too long as a creditor collection agency , a defender of the dollar as the sole reserve currency and even as a handmaiden to US sectoral interests in trade policy .

  8. 所有的雇员都热情地鼓掌三次,拉杰西(Rajesh)就是当天讨债名单上的第一个名字。

    All employees enthusiastically respond by clapping three times , and Rajesh is the first on the day 's sales board .

  9. 该公司为其他公司讨债以收取佣金。

    The company collects debts for other companies for a commission .

  10. 在南欧,她被谴责为专横的讨债人。

    In southern Europe she was condemned as an overbearing debt-collector .

  11. 电话讨债代表了印度新型以及更加积极进取的商业领域。

    Telephone debt collection represents new , more aggressive territory for India .

  12. 你在我朋友面前讨债,是想让我难看吧?

    You embarrass me in front of friends about bets ?

  13. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。

    Bankruptcy protects the debtor from debt collection by creditors .

  14. 其中四分一是讨债公司的利润。

    They kept nearly a quarter of that in profits .

  15. 我很惊讶,讨债公司居然还没找你啊。

    I 'm surprised you haven 't heard from collection agencies already .

  16. 总不能一直骗讨债公司吧

    You can 't just keep lying to collection agencies .

  17. 你这里儿怎么了,带着这些讨债的小鬼?

    How 's it going with those stupid brats you got with you ?

  18. 他说的没错、这孩子、生来就是要跟我讨债的!

    He was right , this child is born to collect my debt !

  19. 他的那些债主正在讨债。

    His creditors are demanding to be paid .

  20. 这种工作的工资是靠提成,你的报酬与你讨债的能力相关。

    It is commission-intensive , and you 're paid on your ability to collect .

  21. 试图在这种层面上讨债,会把整个国家都赶空。

    Trying to collect debts at this level is going to empty entire countries .

  22. 他派了两个家伙来讨债。

    He sent two guys to collect .

  23. 但信用卡欠款、汽车消费贷款和其它债务比较适合由国外的讨债员来处理。

    But credit card , auto and other debt are prime candidates for collection overseas .

  24. 你觉得她是个讨债鬼。

    You saw her as a liability .

  25. 当我向他讨债时,他愤怒得脸色发紫

    When I ask him to pay me what he owed , he go purple with rage

  26. 在我们想办法筹集资金时,我们拼命躲避讨债人。

    We 're desperately trying to keep our creditors at bay while we figure out our finances .

  27. 如今要到这儿来的人只有当地的农民或讨债的。

    These days the only people who want to come here are local peasant farmers or debt collectors .

  28. 现在,他们的孙子就是这头驴转世讨债来了。

    Now , the grandson was that donkey who has reborn to claim his debt from the couple .

  29. 于是,老宛独自一人踏上了讨债之路。

    Thus , old Wan had to set foot on the road of debt collection on his own .

  30. 然而,他说自己和国外的讨债员之间还没遇到任何具体问题。

    Still , he said , he had not run into any specific problems with overseas debt collectors .