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tǎo ráo
  • beg for mercy;ask for forgiveness;pardon
讨饶 [tǎo ráo]
  • [beg for mercy;ask for forgivenness] 请求宽恕

讨饶[tǎo ráo]
  1. 她对他呵痒使他痒得讨饶说是。

    She tickled him into saying yes .

  2. 一只蝙蝠坠落到地面上来,被一只鼠狼捉住了,蝙蝠哀求讨饶。

    Bat falling upon the ground was caught by a Weasel , ofwhom he earnestly besought his life .

  3. 不久这只蝙蝠又坠落到地上来,被另一只鼠狼捉住,它同样地哀求讨饶。

    Shortly afterwards the Bat again fellon the ground , and was carght by another Weasel , whom helikewise entreated not to eat him .

  4. 然后他翻了下去,在暖乎乎的沙滩上滚呀滚呀、蜷曲着身子,双臂举起保护头部,想要大声讨饶。

    Then he was down , rolling over and over in the warm sand , crouching with arm up to ward off , trying to cry for mercy .