
  1. 哈维:哇,你是一个令人讨厌的女人。

    Harvey pekar : wow , you 're a sick woman .

  2. 那个讨厌的女人又来办公室啦?

    Is that lady coming to the office again ?

  3. 同时还要忍受那讨厌的女人

    Meanwhile , we have to watch that dreadful woman

  4. 我做梦也不会想到要把这种事儿告诉那个讨厌的女人。

    I shouldn 't dream of telling the odious woman anything of the sort .

  5. 她变成了世界上最富有也是最让人讨厌的女人。

    She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world .

  6. 还不是那个讨厌的女人。

    It 's That Awful Woman .

  7. 对付罗嗦,讨厌的女人时最好的办法是让她感到自卑!

    Deal with lengthy , disgusting woman at the best way is to let her feel inferior .

  8. 发出如此讨厌声音的女人。

    A woman who utters such disgusting and depressing noises .

  9. 我是个自私讨厌的坏女人?

    That I 'm a horrible , selfish bitch ?

  10. 有一位很讨厌蜘蛛的女人。

    There was a woman who hated spiders .

  11. 男人讨厌喋喋不休的女人。

    Men don 't like women who nag .

  12. 投资银行家、讨厌银行家的女人,从斯泰纳来的同学,道尔顿和布朗。

    Investment bankers and the women who hate them , classmates from Steiner , Dalton and brown .

  13. 非常适合讨厌过生日的女人。

    Perfect for the girl who hates her birthday .

  14. 一个他既讨厌又害怕的女人。

    A woman whom he disliked and feared .

  15. 我讨厌爱慕虚荣的女人。

    I don 't like a vain woman .