
  1. 休斯顿聚集起了一个非常默契和讨喜的演员团队。

    Huston had assembled a remarkably cohesive and sympathetic cast .

  2. 之后我一定会注意不要喷太频繁,让这款香一直讨喜。

    Next time I 'll make sure not to wear it so often to keep this fragrance interesting .

  3. 节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。

    The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together . Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll and vivid way .

  4. 此外,林林总总哥特式和殖民复兴风格(ColonialRevival)的建筑都带有一种颇为讨喜的怪诞感,令人啧啧称奇。

    Many other Gothic and Colonial Revival structures have delightful quirks and surprises .

  5. SPOT的服务需要用户每月交60美元,还得戴上那个笨重的手表&这两点在消费者眼里都够不讨喜的。

    The spot service ran users $ 60 a month and required wearing a clunky watch – both negatives in the eyes of consumers .

  6. 他拥有极简的外形设计,像HelloKitty一样讨喜。

    He 's also simply designed so he 's incredibly easy to love , like Hello Kitty .

  7. 沃斯默用一个单词来代表所有可以表现出热情讨喜的身体语言信号:SOFTEN(放松)。

    Wassmer uses a one-word reminder to list all the body-language signals that project warmth and likability : SOFTEN .

  8. 不过,尽管iPod本身的样子很讨喜,但如果没有让数字音乐业务焕发生机的软件和在线商店,它可能什么都不是。

    Pleasing in itself , the iPod would have been nothing without the software and online store that brought the digital music business to life .

  9. 中兴的公关活动包括推出字体更讨喜的新商标,赞助美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的五支球队,其中包括休斯顿火箭(HoustonRockets)、金州勇士队(GoldenStatewarriors)和芝加哥公牛队(ChicagoBulls)。

    ZTE 's PR push has ranged from a new , friendlier font for its logo to sponsoring five US National Basketball Association teams including the Houston Rockets , the Golden State warriors , and the Chicago Bulls .

  10. 这份20页的报告还有另外一个有趣的发现:有着娃娃脸的CEO比长相更成熟的CEO的能力得分要低,收入也往往要低,不过好处是,娃娃脸CEO获得的讨喜评分更高。

    Another interesting finding from the 20-page report : that ' baby-faced ' CEOs received lower ' competence ' scores than more-mature looking CEOs and tended to be paid less , though on the plus side , the baby facers got higher likability ratings .

  11. 好可爱那是,一只小瓢虫很讨喜。成千上万那可就是极端恐怖的大灾难了

    Oh , sure , one 's cute.Thousands- - unspeakable horror .

  12. 你假如想要获利,先学会讨喜吧。

    If you mean to profit , learn to please .

  13. 是啊,这还满讨喜的

    Yeah , it 's quite endearing . Actually , it is .

  14. 反之,使用讨喜但不会让人误解的照片。

    Instead : Use personal photos that flatter but don 't mislead .

  15. 我觉得这是十分愉快而讨喜的。

    And I thought it was a very delightful and affectionate one .

  16. 她不是你说的那种讨喜的人。

    She 's not what you 'd call huggable .

  17. 可爱讨喜点小家伙们扮可爱点

    Cute and cuddly boys . Cute and cuddly .

  18. 滑稽的是,人们事实上觉得脆弱是讨喜的事。

    Ironically , people actually find vulnerability endearing .

  19. 有很丰厚的前味,讨喜且有质感。

    Rich start , very flattering and mouthfilling .

  20. 他是个非常讨喜的年轻人。

    He is a very likable young man .

  21. 你做的的确很讨喜

    It 's endearing what you 're doing ,

  22. 我们是喜欢白大褂啦,但飞来飞去就不怎么讨喜

    We do like lab coats , but the flying around everywhere is not so good .

  23. 起码,他表现出来的样子,是个非常讨喜的角色。

    At least , the way he 's presented , he 's a very likable character .

  24. 作为一名经理,我很幸运在职业生涯中遇见了最有才华,最勤奋,最讨喜的下属。

    Ive been fortunate to have talented , hardworking , likable employees throughout my career as a manager .

  25. 嗯,人们发现潮湿这个词与一个毫不相干的、有讨喜的褒义词搭配出现时最讨厌,比如天堂。

    Well , people found moist most aversive when it follows an unrelated , pleasant word , such as paradise .

  26. 因为一份研究显示视频面试让你看起来比面对面更不讨喜。

    Because a study finds that a video chat can make you seem less likeable than a face-to-face interview would .

  27. 对于成年人而言,沉溺于这种结局和只读那些有讨喜角色的小说一样肤浅。

    For adults , enjoying endings like this is as shallow as reading only books with likable characters , says Graham .

  28. 没有人喜欢被审问,所以如果你觉得问题不讨喜,就此打住。

    Nobody likes to feel interrogated , so if you sense that questions aren 't welcome , back off . 7 .

  29. 即便如此,这些动物是凶杀狂的真相丝毫不会改变它们看起来很讨喜的事实。

    Even so , the fact that these animals are homicidal maniacs doesn 't change the fact that they look adorable .

  30. 这真讨喜啊,木瓶倒地的声音,出租鞋喷雾的味道?

    Oh , don 't you just love it -- the crash of the pins , the smell of the rental-shoe spray ?