
  • 网络Kangbo;Compro;Compuware;combo
  1. 台湾康博公司推出了一种具有红外照明和高清百万像素分析度的昼夜摄像机,是专门为小型企业和民用设计。

    Taiwan-based Compro Technology offers a day-night camera with true infra ­ red lighting and HD mega ­ pixel resolution , specifically designed for small businesses and residences .

  2. 你一定知道康博、戴尔的服务器,也曾对市场上的“仿威图”略有耳闻,那么你知道康博、戴尔的服务器机柜是由谁提供的吗?

    You must have heard of servers by Compro and Dell , and perhaps news of " fake Rittals " . Did you know who supplies server cabinets to Compro and Dell ?