
  • 网络Rehabilitation equipment;rehabilitation devices
  1. 与传统康复设备相比,AIDER可以使病人相对自由地行走。

    Compared with traditional rehabilitation equipment , AIDER enables patients to walk relatively freely .

  2. 被动步行的研究成果除可应用于双足机器人的研制外,还可应用于医疗康复设备和假肢的设计,以解决下肢残疾或截肢病人的康复问题。

    The research results can be used to the design of biped robots , medical rehabilitation devices and prosthetic legs to help rehabilitation for the amputees .

  3. 配备康复设备的社区卫生服务中心为56.5%;

    The centers equipped with the appliance for rehabilitation accounted for 56.50 % ;

  4. 菲奥娜医生说我很有可能会出现语言障碍和右臂右腿无力的状况,所以我需要一套完整的康复设备,但这是巴基斯坦所没有的。

    Dr Fiona said it was likely I would have a speech impediment and a weak right arm and right leg , so I would need extensive rehabilitation facilities , which Pakistan didn 't have .

  5. 结论手外科温箱能提供观察、照明、保温、保湿、供氧、消毒、操作等功能,再植手指成活率和伤口一期愈合率明显上升,感染率明显下降,是手外科必备治疗康复设备。

    Conclusion hand surgical warm box observes easily , keep worm , provide lighting , oxygen et al . It can rise the replantation finger survive rate and incision healed primarily rate , reduce the infect rate . It was the good instrument in hand surgery .

  6. 本文主要的工作和贡献体现在以下几个方面:分析和比较了现有的手功能康复设备,对人手的结构与功能、手指的运动约束进行了调查,并研究了具有代表性的食指生物力学模型。

    The main contributions of this dissertation focus on the following aspects : First , the existing rehabilitation equipments for hand function are analyzed and compared . The structure , function and motion constraints of human hand are analyzed and biomechanical model of representative index finger is also investigated .

  7. 本文研究的是一种床式下肢外骨骼康复医疗设备。

    In this paper , we study a lower extremity exoskeleton rehabilitation medical bed .

  8. 本课题所设计的助行训练机是一种新型的康复医疗设备,主要是针对偏瘫、下肢有运动障碍的病人而专门研制的。

    This machine is designed mainly for the paralysis , lower limb movement disorder patients .

  9. 电脑中频治疗仪是一种在临床被广泛应用的电子康复治疗设备。

    Computerized Intermediate Frequency Therapy Apparatus is one of the most useful electrotherapy units in clinical .

  10. 社区卫生服务机构缺乏基本医疗尤其是康复医疗设备的情况仍然存在;

    4 Lack of basic medical equipments especially in convalescence is still a problem in CHC development .

  11. 牵引床是用于颈椎病、腰椎病、骨科牵引矫正等富有成效的康复医疗设备。

    The traction bed , used for recovering the pains for cervical and lumber spine disorders , and astronomy , is an effective rehabilitation medical device .

  12. 作为一种康复医疗设备,康复机器人越来越受到国内外学者的青睐,其以医学理论为依据,辅助偏瘫患者进行康复训练达到恢复患者运动功能的目的。

    As a rehabilitative equipment , the rehabilitation robot has been widely researched in the world . Based on the theory of rehabilitation medicine , the rehabilitative robots can assist patient to achieve repeatedly the rehabilitation training tasks in order to help them for the restoration of motor function .

  13. “除了完成这些部队建设的重大进展,他们需要更多训练,更多康复及安全设备,”他说。

    " Despite accomplishing big progress in building these forces , they need more training , more rehabilitation and secure equipment ," he said .

  14. 上肢外骨骼式康复机器人是一种用于偏瘫患者康复的医疗设备。

    The upper extremity exoskeleton repetitive therapy robot is one kind of medical device which uses in hemiparalysis patient being restored to health .

  15. 本文将人体手部的三个指节假设成二个指节,把外骨骼康复机械手设计成为一个二指节的康复设备。

    The paper assumed the three knuckles of hands into two knuckles ; the exoskeleton hand rehabilitation manipulator was designed to be the two-knuckle recovery equipment .

  16. 随着社会的发展和物质生活的极大丰富,因中枢神经疾病产生的肢体运动功能障碍的康复医疗,越来越受到人们的重视,各种康复设备便应需而生了。

    With the development of the society and the great enrichment , persons regard the rehabilitation therapy of the movement functional disorder by neuro ills as a more important thing , so many kinds of rehabilitation device come into being .

  17. 今年政府将实施新的康复和救助制度,为残疾儿童提供医疗救治、咨询、训练或康复以及辅助设备等,帮助他们康复。

    The new rehabilitation and assistance system will provide medical treatment , counseling , training or rehabilitation , and assistive devices to give children with disabilities a boost for their recovery .

  18. 康复机器人是辅助肢体运动功能障碍患者完成临床上要求的康复训练内容,并能向患者和治疗师提供反馈信息的辅助康复治疗自动化设备。

    Rehabilitation training robot is a kind of assistant rehabilitation therapy automatic equipment that can assist patient with lower limbs motion dysfunction in completing clinical rehabilitation training content , and can provide feedback information for patient and doctor .