
  1. 可因为法律纠纷被取消了根本没建地面车站

    but it all got tied up in legal disputes and so they never built the station on the surface .

  2. 与传统的地面车站相比,高架车站配合高架线路能显著地减少占地面积,特别适合于土地资源紧张的城市交通系统,这也是高架车站能在城市轨道交通中得到迅速发展的原因之一。

    Compared with traditional railway station , it can reduce the floor area remarkably , especially be suitable for the urban transportation system with land resource shortage , which is one of the main reasons for the rapid development of the elevated railway station .

  3. 对北京市轨道交通车站站台及车厢内噪声进行了调查,分别比较了地下、地面和高架车站的噪声环境特点,测试分析了不同减振降噪措施的效果。

    A survey of noise condition inside Beijing URT station halls was carried out , in which the noise characteristics in underground , ground and elevated stations were measured and compared , and the effects of different measures for reducing vibration and noise are analyzed .

  4. 此外,上海地铁运营部门宣布,7月25日下午起,上海地铁所有地面、高架区段车站停运。

    In addition , the municipality 's subway operator announced that all sections of line running above ground and on elevated tracks had been suspended since Sunday afternoon to ensure safety .

  5. 乌溪沙站以南将设有公共交通交汇处,乘客可利用地面行人通道进出车站。

    A public transport interchange will be built to the south of Wu Kai Sha station , providing ground-level pedestrian access to the station .