
  • 网络map classification;cadographic classification
  1. 试论地图分类

    A tentative Discussion on Map Classifications

  2. ART网在地图彩色分类中的应用

    The application of the ART network in the color classification of maps

  3. 模糊多元分析在地图制图分类中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Multi-variable Analysis in Cartographic Classification

  4. 地图要素分类的定义及其度量化研究

    A Study on the Classification Definition of Map Elements and It 's Metrization

  5. 空间地图投影分类研究

    Research on the Classification of Space Map Projection

  6. 不可定向地图组合分类

    Combinatorial classification of nonorientable maps

  7. 作者认为补充这一类投影既使地图投影分类得到进一步充实,同时对教学活动也有积极意义。

    The author believes that the supplement of this kind of map projection will contribute to the improvement of the classification systems and the teaching activities of this subject as well .

  8. 另外随着GIS等技术的不断发展,分类图的应用需求不断扩大,所以有必要进行噪声去除、矢量化和专题地图制作等分类图后处理技术的研究。

    Otherwise , because the applications of classification image are widening along with the development of GIS , the post-classification processing techniques containing dealing with noise , vectorization and making thematic map need to be studied .

  9. 讨论了个性化地图服务情境分类模型的内容及其表示。

    The contents and representation of PMS classified context models are discussed .

  10. 国家自然地图数据库信息分类与编码体系

    Information Classifications and Coding Systems of Database for the National Physical Atlas of China

  11. 传统的旅游地图符号的分类方法不全面、不系统造成了旅游者在旅游空间信息定位上的困难。

    Traditional tourist map symbols classification is not comprehensive and systematic so it causes some difficulties for tourists to get the right space information that they need .

  12. 通过了解电子地图网站的分类和主要功能,分析我国电子地图网站的发展现状,并对国内几家著名电子地图网站进行访问、咨询、分析、研究;

    Through learning the classification of electronic map websites and the main function , the current situations of the development of electronic map websites in our country have been analyzed including visit , consult , analyse and study to several domestic famous electronic map websites ;

  13. 本文讨论了企业级GIS系统框架的建立以及数据库的设计和实现。同时介绍了电子地图、数据的分类和内容。

    The paper discusses the establishment of GIS framework at enterprise class , as well as the design and realization of data bank , simultaneously introduces the electronic map , data contents and their classification .

  14. 本文就灾害地图的组成、分类、编制、应用等问题作了探讨。

    This paper approached its the composition , classification , compilation , application and so on .

  15. 文章介绍了专利地图的概念、分类、及其在企业竞争情报活动中的应用和发展情况。

    The paper introduces the concept , type , function of patent map and its application in the enterprises .

  16. 但就我个人而言,我并不确定自己愿意对友情的私密精神地图进行准确的分类。

    But personally I am not sure that I want to sort my private mental map of my friendship links into a precise category .

  17. 根据集合的分类模型和地图要素的共同特征,给出了地图要素分类的定义,并根据地图的空间特性,推导了地图要素的度量方法。

    In this paper , the classification definition of map elements according to the classification model of set and common characters of map elements is rendered out and the measuring method of map elements in term of the spatial characters of map is deduced .

  18. 本文重点研究了基于MapInfo平台的军用地图数据融合方法:首先研究了各种军用地图数据的分类、编码和格式统一的途径;

    This thesis studies the method about the military map data fusion based on MapInfo : first , it introduces the classifies , the encoding and the formats of the military map data , and how to unify them ;

  19. 在分析地图图像图面要素的构成特点的基础之上,结合数字图像处理技术分析栅格图像的要点,提出了地图印刷缺陷的分类方法。

    With the analysis of the characteristics of the linear map image contents , The classification method of the linear map printing defects is put forward .

  20. 本文着重讨论数字水印在数字地图版权保护中的应用。本文介绍了数字水印研究的背景及现状、数字水印的基本概念、应用和国内外研究动态,同时对矢量地图的分类及数据表示进行分析。

    The application of digital watermark for the copyright protection of digital maps is mainly discussed in the thesis . Background , basal conception , and applications about watermark are introduced . Sorts and data structure of vector map are also analyzed .