
  • 网络Veteran;old guard
老臣 [lǎo chén]
  • (1) [I, Your old servant] 老年人对君主或他人的谦称

  • 老臣病足。--《战国策.赵策》

  • (2) 又

  • 老臣今者殊不欲食。

  1. 老臣说:第三个是最有价值的金人!

    Veteran , said : The third most valuable Jin !

  2. 当时,雷富礼先生负责宝洁亚洲和北美的业务,是为公司效力了23年的老臣。最重要的是,他代表了一种风格的转变。

    Mr Lafley , then a23-year veteran of P & G who had headed both its Asian and North American operations , represented , above all , a change of style .

  3. 现在这个好老臣走进了厅里。

    Now the good old minister went into the hall .

  4. 最后,一个退役的老臣说他可以解决。

    Finally , a retired minister of the old ways that he has .

  5. 老臣愿前往边疆处理此事。

    I 'm willing to go to the border region to handle this matter .

  6. 过了一两天,皇帝派一个老臣去看衣服织得怎么样了。

    After a day or two , the emperor sent an old minister to see the clothes .

  7. 君主信任年高德助的老臣,万事都能治好。

    If the ruler appoints virtuous men of experience and age , myriad affairs will be well managed .

  8. 闻:哎呀!老臣真是眼花了,应该走这一步才对。

    Grand Preceptor Wen : Aiya !!! I ? was really vertigo , I should move this step .

  9. 于是,所罗门王找来了最有智慧的几位老臣,向他们讲了那个梦,要求他们把那句至理名言想出来。

    Then the king called his most knowledgeable ministers , talked about his dream and asked them find it .

  10. 经理说如果你够好就能上,不管你是国家队老臣还是新兵。

    This manager has said if you 're good enough you 'll play whether you 've got one cap or80 caps .

  11. 老臣拿了三根稻草,分别插入三个金人的耳朵里,第一个金人的稻草从另一个耳朵出来;

    Messenger emperor would go to the great hall , with three veteran straw , insert the first Jin 's ears , this straw from another ear out .

  12. 但至少目前看来,骑士的先发阵容里各个都是久经沙场的老将,这一配置引发了另一位老臣的不满,那就是原先发后卫史密斯。

    But the Cavs are all in on the veteran-heavy starting unit , at least for now . And the move is already causing ripples with another veteran guard , former starter Smith .

  13. 他家中的老臣来到他旁边,要把他从地上扶起来,他却不肯起来,也不同他们吃饭。

    And the elders of his house arose , and went to him , to raise him up from the earth : but he would not , neither did he eat bread with them .

  14. “噢,很漂亮,漂亮极了!”老臣回答道。“多美的布啊!多好看的颜色啊!我会告诉皇帝我很喜欢。”

    " Oh , it is lovely , most lovely !" answered the old minister . " What beautiful cloth ! What nice colors ! I will tell the Emperor I like it very much . "

  15. 结果起巨大作用的还是尤文的一批老臣,比如布冯.卡莫拉内西,内德维德,德尔.皮耶罗和特雷泽盖,同样还有来自老尤文的球员,比如对球队有重要贡献的切里尼。

    As it turned out , it was largely the old guard of Buffon , Camoranesi , Nedved , Del Piero and Trezeguet , as well as another player from the old regime , Chiellini , who carried the team last season .