
lǎo shǒu
  • veteran;old hand;pro;past master;old timer;old stager;proficient
老手 [lǎo shǒu]
  • [veteran;old hand; old stager; old timer] 在政界、某一专门职业、工业界或艺术界多年供职的老人或由于多年供职而经验丰富者

  • 一位有二十年工作资历的老手

  • 干这一行他是老手

老手[lǎo shǒu]
  1. 她是对付新闻界的一位老手。

    She 's an old hand at dealing with the press .

  2. 击剑他是老手。

    He is an old hand at fencing .

  3. 你是智力竞赛老手,不是吗?

    You 're a great one for quizzes , aren 't you ?

  4. 她的丈夫是个积习难改的调情老手。

    Her husband is an incorrigible flirt .

  5. 她是个打情骂俏的老手。

    She 's a real flirt .

  6. 他是操纵媒体为自己服务的老手。

    He was a past-master at manipulating the media for his own ends

  7. 她擅长攀岩,是野战训练场上的老手。

    She is an adept rock-climber and a past master of the assault course .

  8. 那天早上,代表团里的老手对皮克斯塔芙小姐都敬而远之。

    More experienced hands in the Mission had given Miss Pickerstaff a wide berth that morning

  9. 她是个调情老手。

    She is an accomplished flirt .

  10. 这位棒球老手喜欢指导年轻选手。

    The baseball veteran loved to coach young players .

  11. 老手儿也有失算时。

    Even an expert sometimes makes a mistake .

  12. 从他的谈话来看,他是这方面的老手。

    Judging from what he said , he is an old hand in this field .

  13. 我打扑克是老手了,可以玩些花样。

    I 'm old enough to play poker and do something with it .

  14. 一位谦虚的杂耍老手代苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出这个面孔

    In view , a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain vicissitudes of fate .

  15. 总的来讲,有经验的老手们用Web站点来跟踪行业的走势。

    Generally speaking , experienced practitioners keep up with the industry using Web sites .

  16. 实际上,Web老手会意识到通过GET请求发送的信息就是采用这种格式。

    In fact , Web veterans will recognize this as the format for information sent through GET requests .

  17. 要想反击成功,一个熟悉google的老手必不可少。

    It may take a Google veteran to fight back .

  18. 几天前,只有铜市老手才听说过上海混沌投资公司(ShanghaiChaos)。

    Until a few days ago , only copper market cognoscenti had heard of Shanghai Chaos .

  19. 老手应该会很清楚,它不是一个新的C标准,因为它没有给予static关键字全新的含义。

    As old hands will be well aware , it 's not a new C standard without an entirely new meaning for the static keyword .

  20. Tina是具有15年高科技营销领域丰富经验的营销老手。

    Tina is a15-year veteran of the high-tech marketing world .

  21. 事实上,如果我接着说下去,你很快就会认为我是一个这方面的老手(anoldhat)--一个真正的专家。

    In fact , if I keep talking , soon enough you will start to think I am an old hat about this & a real expert .

  22. ThetaNuTheta的老手们想要给这些雏儿们看看该怎么舞

    The prophytes of Theta Nu Theta wanna show these neos how it 's done .

  23. 上周,就在Color上线之际,投资老手沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)就社交网站发表了自己的看法。他称:大部分社交网站的价值都将被高估

    As Color launched last week , the veteran investor Warren Buffett spoke out about social networks , declaring : Most of them will be over-priced

  24. 其中主要的便是他的妹夫精明的政坛老手张成泽(changsungtaek)。

    Chief among these is his brother-in-law , the canny political veteran , Chang Sung-taek .

  25. 作为一名从业30年的IT老手,CognizantTechnologySolutions企业咨询业务欧洲主管迈克亨特(MikeHunter)表示,他曾经认为,绩效评估应该永远以面对面的方式进行。

    As a 30-year IT veteran , Mike Hunter , European head of business consulting at Cognizant Technology Solutions , says he once assumed that performance appraisals should always be done in person .

  26. 反恐中心,或者像老手们所称的CTC,已经成为美国中央情报局最忙碌的部门。

    The Counterterrorism Center , or CTC , as veteran hands call it , has become the CIA 's busiest outfit .

  27. 他还提拔了自己的妹夫、精明的政界老手张成泽(ChangSungTaek)。人们普遍把张成泽视为金正云的导师。

    He has also promoted his brother-in-law , Chang Sung-taek , a canny political veteran largely seen as Jong-woon 's mentor .

  28. 里奇•莫兰曾担任埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)顾问,同时也是硅谷的风险投资老手,现任咨询与招聘公司AccretiveSolutions(总部位于芝加歌)CEO。

    A former Accenture ( ACN ) consultant and longtime Silicon Valley venture capitalist , Moran is CEO of accretive solutions , a Chicago-based consulting and recruiting firm .

  29. 如果您已经是一个SAX老手,那么就不用再从头熟悉SAX,您已经使用过这个API了。

    If you 're already a SAX veteran , then you don 't have to do anything to get going with SAX ; you 're already using the API .

  30. 在我这行里,我已经是个老手。我在摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)打磨了七年后,开始为一家规模达数十亿美元的纽约对冲基金管理衍生品投资组合。

    I was already a veteran of my chosen profession , having honed my skills at Morgan Stanley for seven years before managing the derivative portfolio at a multibillion-dollar New York hedge fund .