
  • 网络Cause of aging
  1. 为甘肃省科学规划老龄事业,迎接老龄化挑战提供决策依据,以促使人口老龄化与经济社会的协调发展。

    Gansu Province for the cause of aging scientific planning to meet the aging challenge to provide basis for decision-making to promote the aging of the population and the economic and social development .

  2. 论文建议应采取积极措施,把新型生育文化建设与老龄事业发展有机结合起来。

    Thus the paper suggests the parties concerned to integrate the new child-bearing culture with the development of the old .

  3. 将老龄事业按照产业化方向发展,有助于老龄问题的解决,促进社会全面稳定地发展,构建起和谐社会。

    If the aging business develops towards industrialization , it will help to solve the aging problem , encourage a steady social development and construct a harmonious society .

  4. 人口和计划生育工作进一步加强,妇女、儿童、残疾人和老龄事业继续发展,市残奥中心建成使用。

    Population and family planning work was further strengthened , women , children , the disabled and the elderly undertakings continued to develop the Paralympic city center to construct .

  5. 近年来,随着老年人口的日益增加,而我国老龄事业发展起步晚、步伐慢,人口老龄化问题对我国城市社区绿地建设产生了明显影响。

    In recent years , the problem of population aging has made significant influence on the contribution of urban community green space , while the aging-related undertaking started late and developed slowly .

  6. 随着社会对于残障事业以及老龄事业的关注,随着市场需求的不断扩大,越来越多的人开始关注如何为他们提供舒适便利的生活环境。

    With the concern about the disabled and the elderly as well as the growing market demand , more and more people begin to pay attention to how to provide them with a convenient and comfortable living environment .

  7. 调查中发现,平邑县已经把老龄事业纳入当地经济社会发展规划,构建了县、乡、村三级老龄工作联动机制,形成了县、乡、村三级老龄工作目标管理网络。

    The survey shows that the Pingyi government has incorporated the issue of aging into the local economic and social development plan , built a three-level linkage system of old-age work including county , township and village , formed a three-level management network of old-age work .

  8. 十二五期间顺德区人口老龄化加剧,老龄事业发展压力增大。

    ' Twelfth Five-Year plan ' period in Shunde area population aging is accelerating , aging development is under pressure .

  9. 在我国,实现健康老龄化对于发展老龄事业和全民健康事业,促进经济和社会发展具有重要意义。

    In China , the realization of healthy aging is of great significance for the cause of taking care of the older peo - ple and for the cause of the health of all the people . It is also important to the economic and social development .

  10. 大连市早在1987年,就率先于全国13年进入老龄化城市行列,老龄事业发展面临严峻形势。

    Early in 1987 , Dalian has formally entered the ranks of the aging of the town . The aging of the population is facing a serious situation .

  11. 积极应对人口老龄化,大力发展老龄服务事业和产业。

    We should actively address population aging and vigorously develop old-age services .

  12. 1999年,中国正式成立全国老龄工作委员会,负责统筹促进国内老龄事业的发展。

    In1999 , China 's National Commission on Ageing was established with the mandate to coordinate and promote ageing-related work across the country .

  13. 我国是世界第一人口大国,老龄化社会的来临伴随着新技术的革新可以让我国老龄事业有新的契机。

    The population of our country is the most in the world , the coming of aging society along with the innovation of the new technology provides a new opportunity to aging people .

  14. 国家十二五规划提出:积极应对人口老龄化,注重发挥家庭和社会功能,优先发展社会养老服务,培育壮大老龄服务事业和产业。

    " Twelfth-five " goal proposed : " Coping with population aging positively , paying attention to play family and social function , developing social pension service preferentially , and cultivating and strengthening pension service undertakings and industries " .

  15. 随着人口老龄化、高龄化和家庭小型化趋势的发展,老年护理服务需求将不断增加,建立健全社会养老服务体系将成为我国老龄事业发展的一项重大战略任务。

    With the population aging and the development of family miniaturization trend , Aged care services demand will continue increasing . Establishing and perfecting social service system for the aged will become an important strategic task in our country .