
  • 网络deep geological disposal
  1. 本研究以深地层处置之概念为基础,并以有限元素软体ABAQUS进行依序热水力学之耦合分析。

    Our study uses finite element method and conducts analysis of the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical calculations .

  2. 开发了水力压裂深地层处置中放废液的技术。利用该技术进行了8次中放废液深地层处置热试验,共处置了中放废液约2×103m3。

    The hydraulic fracturing technique used for disposal of intermediate level liquid waste ( ILLW ) has been developed and the hot demonstration with about 2 000 m 3 ILLW has been done .

  3. 中放废液深地层处置的热试验

    Hot Demonstration of Intermidiate-level Liquid Waste Disposal by Hydraulic Fracturing Technique Deep Autumn

  4. 为研究在某核废料处置场用深地层注浆固化方法处置中放核废液的可行性,我们在该处置场的两口钻井中进行了水压致裂法原地应力测量。

    In order to assess the feasibility of disposing moderately radioactive liquid nuclear waste in deep strata at a site for nuclear waste disposal by the technique of hydrofracturing and grout injection-solidification , we have conducted hydrofracturing stress measurements in two boreholes which were located in that site .