
  • 网络Loving You;Devoted To You
  1. 我一直都深爱着你。

    I have never stopped loving you .

  2. 14、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

    Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply ?

  3. 早在你六岁时我就知道你是gay,但从你出生起我就深爱着你。

    Ive known you were gay since you were six , Ive loved you since you were born . '

  4. 我们以你为荣,我们深爱着你,罗马尼亚!

    Romania , we are proud of you and love you !

  5. 你家里有一个深爱着你的勤劳的妻子。

    You 've got a devoted , hardworking wife at home .

  6. 九年来,我一直在心底深爱着你。

    I love you . I 've loved you for nine years ;

  7. 我想你还深爱着你的妻子。

    I suppose you loved your wife very dearly .

  8. 你父亲深爱着你母亲。

    Your father loved your mother very much .

  9. 不是你的记忆,而是那深爱着你的人的怀念。

    What will matter your memories , but the memories of those who love you .

  10. 重要的不是你自己的记忆,而是那些深爱着你的人的记忆。

    What will matter is not your memories but the memories that live in those who love you .

  11. 我们会永远想念泰勒,永远深爱着你。别了,好姑娘。

    Taylor will be greatly missed by us all and forever remembered with great love . Goodbye , sweet girl .

  12. 你25岁时,她花钱帮你筹办婚礼,对你哭诉着说她是多么地深爱着你。

    When you were 25 , she helped to pay for your wedding , and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you .

  13. 你难道不喜欢自己的太太对你忠实且深爱着你吗?

    If you were in his position , would you feel happy ? Would you not prefer your wife to be faithful and devoted to you ?

  14. 你有过如此深爱着你的女友以致你想要跟她共度余生吗?

    Have you ever been so completely in love with your girlfriend that you just knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her ?

  15. 我永远不会忘记我们的初吻和最后一次拥抱。随时光流逝,我会天天告诉你我是如此的深爱着你。

    I don 't ever want to forget our first kiss or last hug , or let a day go by without telling you how deeply I love you .

  16. 当一个深爱着你的人为你而改变,那是因为他爱你,当你遇到一个人,他为你收起他的顽固脾气;

    When a person you love with your change , it is because he loves you , when you encounter a person , he put away his stubborn temper you ;

  17. 曾经我是那么的在乎你,害怕失去你,所以一直都很在意的一些举动,那是因为我在乎你,我深爱着你。

    Once I was such care about you , the fear loses you , therefore very much has cared some actions , that is because I care about you , I am loving you deeply .

  18. 有些时候,这段旅程可能会让你颠得够呛。但这是值得的,因为路的尽头就是家,有深爱着你的另一半,快乐的孩子们,还有一只狗。

    That it can jar you right down to your teeth sometimes , but it 's worth it , if at the end is home * a loving spouse , happy kids and a dog .

  19. 我是那么深的爱着你。

    I 'm so in love with you .

  20. 土星将提醒你,你的家人深爱并且依赖着你。

    Saturn will remind you that there are family members who deeply love you and depend on you .