
  • 网络Deep love;love deeply
  1. 求祢叫我们深深爱祢,并向祢彻底委身。

    Please bring us to deep love and commitment to you .

  2. 我深深爱着我的国家,没有一片土地让我这样深情和激动,没有一条河流让我这样沉思和起伏。

    I have deep love for this country . I love every inch of its land .

  3. 她深深爱着自己的家庭。

    She is devoted to her family .

  4. 她深深爱着他:这是个童话般的浪漫故事。

    She loved him so much : it was a fairytale romance .

  5. 我深深爱着的祖国古老而又年轻。

    My beloved motherland is a country both old and young .

  6. 伊不爱人间的女子,他深深爱着的是宙斯神殿里一位倒水的侍女。

    The only woman he deeply loved was the cup-bearer for Zeus .

  7. 可是我们深深爱着,爱得超过了爱情——

    But we loved with a love that was more than love --

  8. 然而遗憾的是他们两个深深爱着彼此

    Now , the shame of it was that they loved each other .

  9. 我真心爱你,他说,我深深爱着你。

    I love you truly , he said . I love you deeply .

  10. 神深深爱你,并渴望你的回应,又期待你认识他,花时间与他在一起。

    He longs for you to know him and spend time with him .

  11. 他深深爱着你。

    loves you very , very , very much .

  12. 就这样,我深深爱着这份工作,爱着一起工作着的人们。

    In this way , I deeply love this job , love to work with the people .

  13. 在我的梦里和我的思想里,你是我深深爱着的和依靠的男人。

    In my dreams and in my heart , you are my deeply loved and depend man .

  14. 任何先进完美的存在形式,都永远代替不了我们深深爱着的敦煌。

    No advanced and perfect form of existence whatsoever can take the place of the Dunhuang we so cherish .

  15. 我想让你知道我一直深深爱着你,我心里一直在惦念着你。

    I want you to know that I love you dearly and that I 'll always carry you close to my heart .

  16. 看到拉兹洛也是深深爱着伊尔莎,也为了他们更重要的事业,力克决定牺牲自己的爱情。

    When Rick see that Laszlo also loves Ilsa deeply , and for their more important cause , he decided to sacrifice his love .

  17. 阿尼从小就深深爱着许,他们虽然有同样的父母,但阿尼是从天上掉下来的,而许是母亲厄格德自产的。

    Nemean loved Hydra since he was a child . Although they had same parents , Nemean fell from heaven while Hydra was born from their mother .

  18. 我感到多么的幸运,拥有深深爱着的我并且一路支持我的妻子,克莱伦达,以及四个可爱的孩子。有你们相伴,我复何求。

    I am one blessed man to have the love and never ending support of my wife CleRenda and the best 4 kids a man can ask for .

  19. 中山大学给了我四年良好正规的教育,这使我有机会有信心站在这里,我深深爱我的母校。

    Deeply I love this university , who has given me four years of excellent systematic education as well as such a precious opportunity to stand here with full confidence .

  20. 法厄同天生美丽性感,冲动自负;妹妹赫莉温柔善良,却没能得到父亲的恩赐,拥有一张太阳神那样美丽的面孔,这使得她很无奈,因为她深深爱着的是法厄同。

    Phaethon was born to be handsome and sexy but a bit impetuous and arrogant , while Hayley was tender and nice but did not have a beautiful face , which made her sad because she deeply loved Phaethon .

  21. 她显然深深地爱着他。

    It 's obvious that she adores him .

  22. 她深深地爱着他。

    She loves him dearly .

  23. 从他的眼神中,我知道他深深地爱着我的母亲。

    Reading his eyes , I knew he loves my mother deeply .

  24. 爱某人,尤指以强烈的感情或想要保护他们的感觉为基础,而不是性。指深深地爱、非常喜欢。例:

    to love sb , especially in a way that is based on strong affection or a feeling of wanting to protect them , rather than sex

  25. 每一次呼吸之后我就更爱你一点,真诚、疯狂而深深的爱着你

    I love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do

  26. 我再也不能回报他们对我深深的爱了。

    I could never possible repay their deep love to me .

  27. 我深深地爱着这个大家庭和每一个姐妹。

    I do love this big family and each sister dearly .

  28. 但我知道,你也是深深的爱着我的。

    I know deep in my heart that you love me .

  29. 但她也深深地爱着我。

    But she took very good care of my heart .

  30. 我尊重你敬佩你又深深地爱着�

    I respect you I admire you I love you deeply