
  • 网络My dear
  1. 可是,我的亲爱的,我原以为你会很高兴的。

    But , my dear , I thought you would be glad .

  2. 哟,我的亲爱的捷恩,我母亲不以为然地说。

    " My dear Jane ," remonstrated my mother .

  3. 哦,我的亲爱的,我多么爱你;

    Oh , my darling I love you so ;

  4. 我的亲爱的姑娘,那有什么要紧?

    My dear girl , what does it matter ?

  5. 一点都不腻,我的亲爱的孩子。

    Not at all , my dear boy .

  6. 欢乐在叶片间传递,我的亲爱,快乐无法衡量了。

    Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf , my darling , and gladness without measure .

  7. 和以往一样,我的亲爱的、山姆的母亲,又说对了。

    And as usual , my darling girl and Sam 's darling mum was right .

  8. 呀,我的亲爱的罗伯特,难道我们彼此要那么讲究礼节吗?

    Why , my dear Robert , should we be so very ceremonious towards each other ?

  9. 我的亲爱的裘德,我希望从今以后再不会对你高尚的情操发生怀疑啦!

    I hope I shall never have any doubt of your worthiness , my poor Jude !

  10. 如果你是我的亲爱。

    If u are my darling .

  11. 我的亲爱的堂兄弟,我在我的房子里不吃那种食品。

    ' My dear cousin , I don 't eat that kind of food in my house .

  12. 来吧,好先生,我的亲爱的朋友,我请求你啦,让我带你回家吧!

    Come , good sir , and my dear friend , I pray you , let me lead you home !

  13. 我的亲爱的,看你这副模样,我觉得你现在是在月球、梦国、幻省、肥皂泡京城里。

    My dear fellow , you produce upon me the effect of being located in the moon , the realm of dreams , the province of illusions , capital , soap-bubble .

  14. 你又成为了我的妻子亲爱的

    to you resuming your wifely duties , dear .

  15. 没人可以终止和我的交易亲爱的

    No one breaks deals with me deary .

  16. 如我的父母亲爱我,孝顺父母并不困难。

    When I have loving parents , it is not difficult to be dutiful to them .

  17. 你还好吗我挺好的亲爱的你还好吗

    You all right ? I 'm all right , darling . Are you all right ?

  18. 我的家人亲爱的家人妈妈你父亲那顶蓝帽子你没扔掉我也做帽子父亲我也是帽�

    Oh , my family . My dear family . Mother . You , father . You kept my blue hat . I make hats , father . I 'm a hatter .

  19. 所以接受我善意的警告亲爱的放弃吧

    So take this as a friendly warning ... my dear.Back off .

  20. 不,这都是我的错,亲爱的。

    No , it 's been my fault , dear .

  21. 远离我亲爱的人儿亲爱的家乡。

    Away from my love and lovely hometown .

  22. 哦!我的爱,亲爱的,

    Oh , my love , my darling ,

  23. 你夺走了我的心,亲爱的。

    You rob my heart , honey .

  24. 我的工厂和亲爱的奥柏伦柏人

    my factory , my beloved Oompa-Loompas .

  25. 啊,我亲爱的,亲爱的,你明天也愿这样热烈地为我祝福么?

    O my dear , my dear , will you bless me as fervently to-morrow ?

  26. 我不会说的亲爱的

    I 'm not gonna answer you dear

  27. 蜘蛛在我的网络,亲爱的,我等着捕捉苍蝇。

    Spider in my web , darlin ' , I 'm waiting to catch a fly .

  28. 不要误会我的意思,亲爱的。我非常爱你,但你在厨房里显然不会有什么作为。

    Don 't take this the wrong way . honey , I love you very much.but you clearly don 't belong in the kitchen .

  29. 我的错,亲爱的……我发现宝宝了,他只是需要抹去灰尘,就会和像的一样…

    My bad , honey ... I 've found baby , he just needs to get dusted off , then he 's as good as new ...

  30. 我的公主,我亲爱的。理解正确吧,哈哈。

    I 'm princess of myself , my darling as well .