
  1. 我这么走来走去似乎没事一样。

    I 'm walking around CVS like there 's nothing wrong .

  2. 我在屋里走来走去,回忆着这个晚上。

    I wandered through the house remembering the night .

  3. 从开着的窗口,我看得见更夫走来走去。

    I can see through my open window the watchman walking up and down .

  4. 我在屋里走来走去,不住地吮着阵阵作痛的手指,最后走到了电话机旁!

    I walked around the house sucking my very painful finger , and eventually arrived at the telephone .

  5. 今天,一同事在我周围尴尬的走来走去。

    Today , a friend from work was acting really awkward around me .

  6. 我在楼道里走来走去以舒展我痉挛的肌肉。

    I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles .

  7. 我只是等待和走来走去。

    I just waited and moved .

  8. 反之,我在沙滩上走来走去,以试着保暖。

    Instead , I walked up and down on the beach , trying to keep warm .

  9. “当人们知道这一点后,他们似乎吃惊极了,这可能是因为我仍然活着,走来走去。”她说。

    " It seems that when people find out about it , they 're astonished , and possibly because I 'm still walking around ," she said .

  10. 耶和华问撒但说,你从那里来?撒但回答说,我从地上走来走去,往返而来。

    And Jehovah said to satan , where have you come from ? And Satan answered Jehovah and said , from roving the earth and going about in it .

  11. 另一只立即跑开了。我在床上走来走去,以控制我不住颤抖的双腿,看着这只死老鼠。

    The other ran away at once . I walked up and down on the bed , to con - trol my trembling legs , and looked at the dead rat .

  12. 劳拉:她在这里,不是吗?如果你知道她在哪里,告诉我!我厌倦了到处走来走去。

    Laura : She 's here , isn 't she ? If you know where she is , tell me ! I 'm tired of walking .

  13. 有好几个小时我都在我的房间里走来走去。

    For hours I walked up and down in my flat .

  14. 我太羞愧了,以至于不敢向任何市民求助,于是我走来走去,不知道该做什么。

    I was too ashamed to ask any of the townspeople for help , so I walked up and down , not knowing what to do .

  15. 于是我走出淋浴间,机械的穿上衣服,然后在我的屋子里走来走去。我在想,“我必须去工作,我必须去工作,“我能开车吗?我能开车吗?”那一刻,我的右手完全瘫痪了,

    So I get out of the shower and I mechanically dress and I 'm walking around my apartment , and I 'm thinking , " I 've got to get to work . Can I drive ? "

  16. 凯瑟琳,别认为、也别说我很不舒服;是这闷热的天气使我兴味索然;而且在你来以前我走来走去,对我来说,是走得太多了。

    And Catherine , don 't think , or say that I 'm very unwell : it is the heavy weather and heat that make me dull ; and I walked about , before you came , a great deal for me .