
  • 网络I EXIST
  1. 我存在,乃是所谓生命的一个永久的奇迹。

    I exist , is a miracle of permanence of so-called life .

  2. 他说,“我存在。”这就是开端。

    He says , " I exist . " And that 's a start .

  3. 特殊照明和温度控制可有可无,因为“我存在”并不是一件实物。

    Special lighting and climate control are optional , since " I Am " is immaterial …

  4. 这件无形艺术品名叫“我存在/我是”,从技术上来讲就是一个空无一物的空间,其中充满了这个雕塑自身的能量。

    Titled " I am " the invisible work of art basically represents a void , a technically empty space that is actually occupied by the energy of the sculpture .

  5. 如果你指的是看得见的有形的东西,那么他将获得一份真品证书,证明“我存在”是他的财产。

    Well , if we 're talking visible , tangible things , he will receive a certificate of authenticity that proves " I Am " is the property of the buyer .

  6. 当然我的存在不能如此没有意义吧?

    Surely my existence cannot be so purposeless ?

  7. 在此背景下,我国存在的由富差距拉大而引发的经济歧视问题就显得尤为敏感和突出。

    Under this background , the issue of economic discrimination caused by the gap between rich and poor is particularly sensitive and prominent in china .

  8. 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

    I never let you not to know my existence , but I just never thought thatlove will fall upon on my head . Sometimes , I just wonder , we are fromdifferent waters , although I admire your world , I will be drowned if Iget close to you .

  9. 但目前我国存在的许多社会制度,是和WTO规则相冲突的,我们必须要加以改变。

    But there exit many social systems contradictory to regulations of WTO , which need to be changed .

  10. 这就说明我国存在着FDI大规模流入和国内储蓄过剩,国内储蓄不能有效地转化为国内投资,储蓄-投资转化效率低下的现实问题。

    This indicates that the large inflows of FDI and the existence of excess domestic savings , domestic savings can not be effectively translated into domestic investment and savings-investment real is too low .

  11. 据调查显示,我国存在这样或那样LD儿童的比例高达5.41%~17.8%,而且随着这些儿童年龄的增长,其LD的程度不断加剧。

    According to a survey , the proportion of children with LD in our country up to 5.41 % ~ 17.8 % . And as these children grew older , the extent of their academic adverse growing .

  12. 政府转型实质上就是政府管理体制的变迁,而在制度层面,我国存在两大不足,即制度短缺和制度失灵。

    There are two big problems : system shortage and system malfunction .

  13. 同时,在抄表方面,目前我国存在着多种抄表方式并存的复杂局面。

    At present , Several reading modes exist simultaneously in our country .

  14. 高技术产业的界定及在我国存在的问题

    Definition of Hi tech Industry & Problems Exist in China

  15. 温州、台州、杭州是我省存在职业危害因素企业的集中地区。

    Wenzhou , Taizhou and Hangzhou are the mainly area of occupational hazards .

  16. 按揭制度在我国存在的问题;

    Third , the mortgage system is existing many problems in our country ;

  17. 目前我国存在一个普遍实事:政府对不同的慈善组织在税收优惠的力度上有所不同。

    Now there is a fact that different charitable organizations are offered different tax .

  18. 第二部分系统分析当前我国存在的突出腐败问题以及危害。

    The second part of system analysis current our country existing prominent corruption and harm .

  19. 从肉体角度来看,我们能说我是存在的。

    Well , on the body view , I suppose we should say I do exist .

  20. 我国存在着严重的城乡教育发展不平衡问题。

    The problem of unbalanced development of education in city and countryside is very serious in our country .

  21. 在对比国际经验和我国存在的问题后,本文在最后提出了针对性的解决措施。

    After the problems existed in our country has been contrasted to international experience , specific solutions is concluded .

  22. 目前,责任会计制度在我国存在许多问题,有待进一步完善。

    At present , responsibility accounting system in our country has many problems and needs to be further improved .

  23. 我国存在耐热真菌分布和生存的各种气候条件和生境条件,其多样性应该丰富。

    Due to a variety of climatic conditions and habitat conditions , thermotolerant fungi diversity should be rich in China .

  24. 油菜籽市场需求量大,我国存在着巨大的供求缺口。

    The market demand is great for rapeseed , between whose supply and demand there is a huge gap in our country .

  25. 展望了协同商务的发展前景,及在我国存在的巨大市场,论证了协同商务是企业信息化的新趋势。

    Show that cooperate with business in the market of our country with huge existence is the new tendency of enterprise informative process .

  26. 单位型社区作为我国存在的特殊社区形式,在我国公共服务社区化过程中,其公共服务建设还存在许多问题。

    As a special kind of community form , Unit-based community still faces many problems in the process of the construction of public service .

  27. 我国存在着宏观和微观两个层面上的混合所有制,混合所有制将是长期存在的所有制形式。

    Mixed ownership exists on both macro and micro levels and is a form of ownership that is to exist for a long time .

  28. 在信用增级和评级方面,我国存在着对政府参与信用担保缺少法律规定以及对信用评级相关的法律缺乏等问题。

    The legal problems on credit enhancement and assessment are that the current laws don 't have regulations on state collateral and credit assessment .

  29. 本论文认为:现阶段,资产证券化在我国存在法律、会计、税收等方面的障碍。

    This article holds : at present , asset securitization in China is restrained under the condition of law , accounting and tax revenue .

  30. 文章第三部分,主要从实践方面阐释了刑罚宽容险作为一种刑罚价值在我国存在的现实意义。首先,文章归纳了刑罚宽容险在我国绷示刑法中的表现。

    On practical aspect , the third section explains the realized sense that the penal toleration exist in china as a value of penalty .