
  1. 在过去八年里,中国一直不遗余力去主办国际运动大赛,同时为我们的奥林匹克之梦创造一个绿色环境.

    In the past eight years , China has spared no efforts to host internatinal sporting events and creat a green environment for our Olympic dream .

  2. 似乎现在每个人都在努力为我们的申办奥林匹克运动会做贡献。

    It seems everyone is now trying to contribute to our green Olympic bid .

  3. 我们的北京奥林匹克公园的设计概念就深深植根于北京的历史文化等背景,并与奥运村周边城区紧密相连。

    Our Beijing Olympic concept is very much tied to the context of Beijing , to the particular urban districts that are adjacent to the Olympic site .

  4. 他们甚至还创立了我们今天所谓的奥林匹克运动会,而在他们的价值观中最重要的就是一个人应该在所有方面追求卓越。

    They even invented what , today , we call the Olympics , and among their values none stood higher than that in all things one should strive for excellence .