
  • 网络Before I Die
  1. 我死之前想做的25件事情。

    25 things I want to do before I die .

  2. 我死之前能为凯茜做些什么呢?

    What can I do for Cathy before I die ?

  3. 看起来我死之前就是一个鬼魂。

    It 's like I was a ghost before I was dead .

  4. 我死之前都要和我儿子住一起了。

    I 'm going to live with my son before I die .

  5. 我死之前会记得三件事。

    There are three moments I will remember until the day I die .

  6. 这将是我死之前读的最后一本书。

    So it 'll be the last thing I ever read before I die .

  7. 所有在我死之前要纠正的错误。

    A list of all the wrongs I have to right before I die .

  8. 看来我死之前都无法踏出我的第三步.

    And now I 'm gonna die before I ever get to third base .

  9. 在我死之前是不是我还能见他一面?

    What if I want to see him before I die , what then ?

  10. 但在我死之前,我要给我的儿子詹姆斯写信。

    But before I die , I would like to write to my son James .

  11. 在我死之前,还要多久?

    How long until I die ?

  12. 至于简,直到我死之前都要抨击她。

    As for Jane , I will take a swipe at her until I am dead .

  13. 在我死之前,我要给你写下我一生的真实的故事。

    Before I die , I want to write the true story of my life for you .

  14. 在我死之前,我的生命里充满了爱心,欢笑,友谊,还有悲伤的秘密。

    Before I died , my life was filled with love , laughter , friendship , and sadly , secrets .

  15. 一个男人在临死之前向他的妻子倾诉说:我死之前必须告诉你一些事情的真相。

    As he lay on his deathbed , the man confided to his wife , I cannot die without telling you the truth .

  16. 至少我在死之前到巴黎了。

    At least I got to see Paris before I.

  17. 我妈妈在死之前梦到我外婆。

    That my mother dreamed about my grandmother before she died .

  18. 我父亲在死之前编撰了一份名单。

    Before his death , my father compiled a list .

  19. 在我死在这之前我们能去喝一杯吗?

    Can we have a drink now before I drop dead right here ?

  20. 丽塔,我想在死之前知道你有没有喜欢过我?

    Rita I want to know before I die , did you ever even like me ?

  21. 我听见韩芮克当天死之前还在跟弗兰克斯争论。

    I heard Hendricks arguing with Franks the day she died .

  22. 看我能不能在死之前把它读完。

    So I can finish it before I 'm finished myself .

  23. 我想在我死之前知道真相。

    I want to know the truth before I die .

  24. 我要在我死之前说出来。

    I have to say this before I die .

  25. 我要在他死之前把这个刻到你胸口上。

    I was gonna put that on your buddy 's chest before he got himself killed .

  26. 你知道我的作品在我死之前都会一文不值吧

    You realize my art won 't be worth anything till I 'm dead ?

  27. 我一直梦到在我死之前我能吻一个真正美丽的女人。

    I 've always dreamed that before I died , I would get to kiss a truly beautiful woman .

  28. 当然,我们选出了美国历史上第一名非洲裔总统,我以前以为在我死之前不一定会见到的事情。

    Of course we elected the very first African-American President in the history of the United States , an event that I wasnt sure that I would ever see before I died .

  29. 我认为他心里想的是,在我死之前,我怎样才能做出一种能对社会发挥最大影响的产品?

    Not likely . I would argue he was thinking , ' How could I make a product that will have the most impact on society before I die ? '

  30. 我之所以能活到这么大年纪,是因为我想在我死之前再见我的儿子一面。

    I have lived this long because I wanted to see my son before I died .