
  • I think;I guess;I suppose
  1. 我想你会觉得这些比那些更舒适。

    I think you 'll find these more comfortable than those .

  2. 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。

    I think we could all use a drink after that !

  3. 今天晚上我想带你出去吃饭。

    I 'd like to take you out to dinner tonight .

  4. 我想以后再讨论那个问题。

    I 'd like to come on to that question later .

  5. 我想向您提个业务上的建议。

    I 'd like to put a business proposition to you .

  6. 我想早上早点出发。

    I want to make an early start in the morning .

  7. 我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。

    I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers .

  8. 我想在我的账户里存一些钱。

    I 'd like to pay some money into my account .

  9. 对不起——我想不起你的名字了。

    I 'm sorry ─ I can 't remember your name .

  10. 还有一件事我想问你。

    There 's another thing I 'd like to ask you .

  11. 我想今晚你已经喝得够多了。

    I think perhaps you 've had enough to drink tonight .

  12. 我想她的确是以她特有的方式爱你。

    I expect she does love you in her own way .

  13. 我想我们自己完全能够应付。

    I think we can manage quite happily on our own .

  14. 我想,我遇到她真是交了好运。

    I guess I really lucked out when I met her .

  15. 我想这值很多钱。

    It 's worth a lot of money , I reckon .

  16. 我想买那东西,但钱不够。

    I wanted it but I didn 't have the money .

  17. 我想听听你对这个问题的看法。

    I 'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject .

  18. 我想我该给花园松松土了。

    I think I 'll do some digging in the garden .

  19. 我想把这一思想深化一步。

    I 'd like to take this idea a step further .

  20. 我想漱漱口,去掉嘴里的味道。

    I wanted to rinse the taste out of my mouth .

  21. 我想我更喜欢不太剧烈的活动。

    I think I 'd prefer something a little less energetic .

  22. 事情不能就此了结——我想上告。

    The matter cannot rest there ─ I intend to sue .

  23. 让我想一想,她现在多大了呢?

    Now let me see ─ how old is she now ?

  24. 最后,我想问一下你们的计划。

    Lastly , I 'd like to ask you about your plans .

  25. 我想你在计算总数时出了差错。

    I think you have made an error in calculating the total .

  26. 今年夏天我想去法国。

    I 'd love to go to France this summer .

  27. 我想你过去在这里住过,对吗?

    Am I right in thinking that you used to live here ?

  28. 我想和你谈点私事。

    I 'd like to talk to you about a personal matter .

  29. 我想,婚姻在他的心目中是无足轻重的。

    I don 't think marriage figures in his scheme of things .

  30. 我想就一项工作探探他的口风。

    I wanted to sound him out about a job .