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yí zhào
  • testamentary edict
遗诏 [yí zhào]
  • [imperial edict left by the emperor before his death] 皇帝临终时颁发的诏书

  • 先帝遗诏。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  1. 皇帝在遗诏中指明要第二个儿子继位。

    In the edict , the dying emperor designated his second son to ascend to the throne .

  2. 昭帝刘弗陵继位时年仅8岁,遵照武帝遗诏由霍光辅政。

    Emperor Zhaodi who was then only eight years old was assisted by Grand General Huo Guang , Chancellor of Military Affairs .

  3. 太监赵高和丞相李斯合谋篡改遗诏,声称秦始皇命太子扶苏自尽,由其弟胡亥继位。

    The eunuch Zhao Gao and chancellor Li Si conspired to forge the emperor " s will , declaring that the emperor ordered Fusu , the crown prince , to commit suicide , and his younger brother Hu Hai , the emperor 's favorite , to succeed to the throne .