首页 / 词典 / good

  • crack;chink;crevice;gap
  • 古地名,在今中国山西省沁水下游一带。

  • 姓。

  • 同“隙”。

  1. 赘词是不知不觉中产生的,因为它对演说者是看不见的,听众郤不是如此。

    Filler words are insidious because they are invisible to the speaker , but not to the listener .

  2. 这些技术在一般编译器设计上原即广为采用,郤往往为属性文法产生器所忽略。

    These techniques have been widely used in the development of hand-coded compilers , but are rarely applied in AG generators .

  3. 愚昧人不会接受智慧,明智人郤去迎接她,罪人决不会见到她,因为,智慧远离骄傲和欺诈。

    But foolish men shall not obtain her , and wise men shall meet her , foolish men shall not see her : for she is far from pride and deceit .