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  • flank
翼侧 [yì cè]
  • (1) [flank] 一个队形(如战线、散兵线、行进纵队)的左翼或右翼

  • 翼侧攻击

  • (2) 也说侧翼

翼侧[yì cè]
  1. 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。

    We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry .

  2. 丘陵、堤防驻军,必须驻扎在向阳的一面,并且要把主要翼侧和后方依托着它。

    When in hilly areas , you need to be cautious and alert by camping on sunnier side and have the right flank and rear guard on higher ground .

  3. 从后备中锋到末尾轮转的翼侧球员,这些老将长久以来为冠军球队填补各种位置。

    From backup center to end of rotation wing player , there are a lot of roles vets have traditionally filled for championship teams .

  4. 作为替补球员,香珀特可以比去年稍微少上场几分钟,成为一名能胜任防守任务的翼侧球员。

    In a bench role , Shumpert can give slightly fewer minutes than he did a year ago and be a serviceable wing player for defensive purposes .

  5. 为什么没有办法从侧翼包抄他们呢?翼侧延伸翼侧或翼后包抄(敌军)

    Why had it not been possible to outflank them in some way ? To maneuver around and behind the flank of ( an opposing force ) .

  6. 若在全国军队,因其数量广大,应以一部守正面及以另一部分散进行游击战,主力也应经常集中地使用于敌之翼侧。

    Since the armed forces of the country as a whole are numerically strong , some of them should be used for frontal defence and some dispersed to carry on guerrilla operations , but the main forces should always be concentrated against the enemy 's flanks .