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  1. 警察的行动是对我私生活的侵犯。

    The police action was an intrusion on my private life .

  2. 报纸上这篇文章是对我私生活的侵扰,这种做法很不光彩

    This newspaper article be a disgraceful intrusion into my private life

  3. 我私底下再告诉你。不要泄露出去。

    I 'll tell you in private . Don 't let it out .

  4. 那小子不是我私生子。

    But The Kid Is Not My Son .

  5. 让我私底下告诉你这事。

    Let me tell you this in privacy .

  6. 我私底下支付给他们。

    I pay them under the table .

  7. 我私底下反复找他说这样不行,也说明了原因,他都懂了。

    I reiterated to him privately that it was no longer OK and why . He understood .

  8. 怀特先生的信念也成为我私生活的信条,以它为行动准则,我为人类的奉献更多。

    In my personal life I have adopted Mr. White 's beliefs , and , in doing so , I have become much better equipped to serve humanity .

  9. 她询问我的私生活使我感到很尴尬。

    Her questions about my private life embarrassed me .

  10. 我的私生活与你无关。

    My private life is none of your business .

  11. 她毫不隐讳地谈到了我的私生活。

    She made some very explicit references to my personal life .

  12. 康拉德我能私底下和你聊聊吗

    Conrad , may I have a word alone with you ?

  13. 因此,有必要对我国私录视听资料证据效力的认定标准进行重新构建。

    Therefore , it is necessary that the standards be reestablished .

  14. 他是我的私生子,所以我还是单身。

    I had him out of wedlock , so I am single .

  15. 资源与体制:我国私学发展史的社会学分析

    Resources Systems : An Analyze on the History of Private School in China

  16. 不要跟你的朋友八卦我的私生活好吗?

    Don 't gossip with your friends about my private life , ok ?

  17. 请不要干涉我的私生活!

    Please don 't interfere in my private affairs !

  18. 我的私生活不关你的事。

    My privacy life is none of your business !

  19. 他好奇地探询我的私生活。

    He quizzed me about my private life .

  20. 我的私生活不用你来管。

    My personal life is not your concern .

  21. 那如果是别来打扰我得私生活呢?

    Don 't bother my private life .

  22. 我的私生活是我个人的事

    My private life is my business .

  23. 我在私底下穿的板鞋都是在舞台表演用的。

    The only sneakers I wear multiple times are the ones I wear on stage .

  24. 其次提出构建我国私录非法视听资料排除规则的前提保障。

    Secondly , propose to build the premise and guarantee of the private recorded audiovisual materials in eliminating rules .

  25. 在此基础上提出了完善我国私录视听资料可采性规则的一些意见。

    On this basis some suggestions on how to improve the rules of admissibility of the privately-recorded audio-visual evidence have been educed .

  26. 他们决定生一个孩子,于是结了婚,这样就不致于使我是私生子。这孩子是个私生子。

    They decided to have a baby and married so I should not be an illegitimate . The child was born on the wrong side of the blanket .

  27. 除了太阳和月亮,没有人窥探我的私生活。所以,我没有必要花钱去整一个窗帘。而且,我是欢迎日月来相照的。

    It costs me nothing curtains , for I have no gazers to shut out but the sun and moon , and im willing that they should look in .

  28. 我国私力救济制度的实证分析:从定性到定量诉讼调解中的公力救济和私权交易的分工合作

    An Empirical Study on Chinese Self-help Remedy System : From Qualitative Analysis to Quantitative Analysis ; Cooperation and Work Division between Public Relief and Private Right Trade in Litigate Mediation

  29. 首先阐述构建我国私录非法视听资料排除规则应该遵循的基本原则,包括国情原则、效益原则和平衡原则。

    Firstly build the basic principles which our private recorded audiovisual material eliminate rules should follow , including the principles of the country , the principle of efficiency and the principle of balance .

  30. 我总是将私生活和工作分开。

    I 've always kept my private and professional life separate