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  1. 还可以为子网指定IP范围。

    IP ranges can also be specified for a subnet .

  2. 单校验码为子码的多维Turbo乘积码性能分析

    The Performance of Multidimensional Turbo Product Codes with Single Parity Codes as Subcode

  3. 这个语句在示例中表示为子查询S1。

    This statement is represented in the example as subquery S1 .

  4. Turbo乘积码是一类易于硬件实现高速迭代译码的分组码,本文对单校验码为子码的高维Turbo乘积码的软输入软输出迭代译码算法进行了详细的分析。

    Turbo product codes are a kind of block codes , which can be decoded at high speed by hardware .

  5. 使用ClearQuest您可以为子活动建立计划。

    Instead , with ClearQuest you can model your schema to allow for child activities .

  6. 在您为子单元导入指定合适的选项之前,会在RAS中创建模型、根包以及片段,并显示在ProjectExplorer视图中。

    After you specify the appropriate options for subunits import , the models , root packages , and fragments are created in RSA and displayed in the Project Explorer view .

  7. 分级网络OLSR协议能够为子网内通信和子网间通信提供正确的端到端路由,并且能够与移动IPv6协作,保证节点在子网间移动时的通信连贯。

    Hierarchical network OLSR protocol can provide correct routes for the communications in the subnet and among the subnets .

  8. Java语言支持称为子类型多态性的特定类型多态性,这意味着可访问某种类型(类)的实例,就像它是其他类型的实例。

    The Java language supports a particular kind of polymorphism called subtype polymorphism , which means that an instance of a type ( class ) can be accessed as if it were an instance of another type .

  9. 如果需要的话,可以将多个specs连接到一个类别并串联为子类别,从而为产品定义额外的元素。

    Multiple specs can be attached to a category and cascaded to sub-categories , if desired , for the purpose of defining additional elements of products .

  10. 该系统以IBMPc微机为主系统,可编程智能扫描控制器(MSC)为子系统,各类扫描光谱仪或单色仪为控制对象。

    In this system , IBM PC microcompter is used as master system , a programable intelligent scan controller ( MSC ) is the sub-system , while all kinds of spectral instruments is the object to be controlled .

  11. 我把这称为子租户(sub-tenant)和超级租户(super-tenant)的编程模型。

    I call this the sub-tenant Vs super-tenant programming models .

  12. 介绍了在分组码的软输入软输出译码基础上以扩展BCH码为子码的乘积码的迭代译码算法,提出了在高带宽利用率调制方式下的算法应用方式,并给出了仿真结果。

    This paper presents iterative decoding algorithm for product coding , which is based on the Soft In Soft Out decoding of extended BCH code . Special way to use product code under high bandwidth efficient modulation is given .

  13. 这些MSDFS链接显示为子目录,所以只要在远程服务器上正确地验证用户的身份,就会透明地重定向到远程文件共享。

    These MSDFS links appear as sub-directories , and so that transparent re-direction to the remote file shares occurs , as long as the user is properly authenticated at the remote servers .

  14. 接下来,它对每个文件应用样式,然后为子目录递归地调用自身。

    Next it styles every file and recursively calls itself for subdirectories .

  15. 现在可以把局部映射重构为子映射,或者相反。

    You can now refactor local maps into submaps , and vice versa .

  16. 让我们来简要地分析一下如何创建一个标志并将其拆分为子标志

    Let 's look briefly at creating a token and breaking it into subtokens

  17. 在不同的子空间中寻找不同聚簇的问题被称为子空间聚类。

    The problem of finding clusters in their relevant subspaces is called subspace clustering .

  18. 您可以将一个行中的一个列族的成员视为子行。

    You can view the members of a column family in a row as subrows .

  19. 组件模型为子系统、模块和组件的层次结构分配需求和职责。

    The component model allocates requirements and responsibilities to a hierarchy of subsystems , modules , and components .

  20. 该用户为主标题选择了粗体,为子标题选择了粗体加斜体。

    This user has chosen bold formatting for a main heading and bold plus italics for a sub-heading .

  21. 为子控件提供了键盘路由并使子控件可以作为一个组进行工作。

    Base class provides keyboard routing for child controls and enables child controls to work as a group .

  22. 在关键帧提取阶段,将镜头分割为子镜头后,引入图像熵的概念提取关键帧。

    During key frame extraction , the concept of image entropy is used after shot being segmented into sub-shots .

  23. 这些新的元素称为子元素,包含它们的元素称为父元素。

    These new elements are called child elements , and the elements that enclose them are their parent elements .

  24. 通过响应此单个事件,可以避免不必要地为子控件编写单独的事件处理程序。

    By responding to this single event , you can avoid having to write individual event handlers for child controls .

  25. 子母线:两种不同的线分别当横线和竖线的组合称为子母线。

    Hybrid Strings : The combination of any two string types or gauges-one for the mains and one for the crosses .

  26. 除了经度和纬度之外,所有文章特性都将表示为子节点,所以它们的大小不受限制。

    All the article features besides the latitude and longitude are expressed as subnodes so that they can be of unlimited size .

  27. 使用量化仿真方法定义了实时任务的4种参数,并细分任务为子任务。

    With the use of quantitative simulation method , the task is defined with four kinds of parameters and subtasks combining a task .

  28. 有几种机制控制能否定义子类型,或者能否在具体的文档中替换为子类型。

    Several mechanisms can control whether a subtype can be defined at all or whether a subtype can be substituted in a specific document .

  29. 以该系统为子系统进行扩展,可以实现多功能的语音信号数字处理系统,本系统在语音识别的前端处理中进行了实际应用。

    This paper introduces the principle , function and realization of the hardware circuit of a high speed real time digital speech signal processing system .

  30. 获得0的进程称为子进程,非零结果属于原始进程,即父进程。

    The process that gets the0 is called the child process , and the non-zero result goes to the original process , which is the parent process .