
  1. 你为什么这样跟自己过不去?

    Why do you make things so difficult for yourself ?

  2. 你为什么这样做,你这个傻瓜?

    Why did you do that , you cretin ?

  3. 告诉我你为什么这样做。

    Tell me why you did it .

  4. 他尽可为甩了你这事向你道歉。可他有没有告诉你为什么这样做啊?

    It 's all well and good for him to say he 's sorry for dropping you , but has he told you why he did it ?

  5. 你不知道困兽犹斗吗?为什么这样麻痹大意?

    Don 't you know the crushed worm will turn ? Why are you so lacking in vigilance ?

  6. 你为什么这样急呢?

    Why are you in such a hurry ?

  7. 为什么这样慌慌张张的?

    Why are you so flustered ?

  8. 为什么这样匆匆忙忙?

    Why all the hurry ?

  9. 为什么这样做会有用呢?施劳格不确定。

    Why does this work ? Schlaug isn 't sure .

  10. 当老师问她为什么这样做时。

    When the teacher asked why she did so .

  11. 保罗不明白爸爸为什么这样。

    Paul couldn 't understand why Dad was so .

  12. 他们各自坚持着夸耀自己,边说边来到一个路边满是墓地的地方。这时,猴子停下来,四处观望,然后放声大哭。“你为什么这样吗?”狐狸忙问道。

    They kept it up for some time , till they came to a place where the road passed through a cemetery men . " The fox was speechless for a moment , but quickly recovering he said , " Oh !

  13. Wheredoesitcomefrom?什么原因导致如此?你总是发脾气,你为什么这样?

    A : You are always angry . Where does it come from ?

  14. 不,我不知道为什么这样设计的DSN僵硬的CDR制度。

    And no , I don 't know why DSN designed such an inflexible CDR system .

  15. 在枪击总统麦金利后,Czolgosz解释了他为什么这样做。

    After shooting President McKinley , Czolgosz explained why he had done it .

  16. 比尔,为什么这样看着我?

    Bill , why do you iook Iike that at me ?

  17. 我知道你为什么这样对你的未婚夫。

    I know why you 're like this about your fiance .

  18. 告诉我你为什么这样古怪,希刺克厉夫先生?

    Tell me why you are so queer , Mr Heathcliff ?

  19. 也没有任何人来解释为什么这样选择。

    Nor does anybody ever explain why certain choices were made .

  20. 你认为这两个人为什么这样打扮?

    Why do you think these two be dress like this ?

  21. 为什么这样一个长的冬天,我必须冬眠

    Why such a long winter , I have to hibernate

  22. 莉达:你的校服?为什么这样做?

    Rita : your school uniform ? Why would you do that ?

  23. 你为什么这样转弯抹角的?爽快地对我说吧。

    Why do you wind and turn ? Be frank with me .

  24. 明白你在做什么和为什么这样做。

    Always know what you 're doing , and why .

  25. 这就是你为什么这样做的原因吗,为了教我?

    Is that why you 're doing this , to teach me ?

  26. 为什么这样的无动作状态也会进化出来呢?

    Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved ?

  27. 我们没有权利调查他为什么这样做。

    It is not our business to enquire why he did it .

  28. 你可以想象为什么这样做很烦人,马尔霍特拉说。

    You can imagine why that 's really annoying , Malhotra says .

  29. 吉尔,为什么这样对自己?

    Gil , why do you do this to yourself ?

  30. 我又问他们:但你们为什么这样做呢?

    And I asked them again : But why did you do that ?