
  • 网络One Tree Hill
  1. 你今晚为什么不来我家?

    Why do not you come to my house tonight ?

  2. 她带我去买了一个冰淇淋,然后,在停车场里,我们坐在她的车上时,她向我解释了警察为什么会来我家,这一切都意味着什么,以及父亲为何在短时间内不能回家了。

    She took me for an ice cream , and as we sat in her car in the parking lot , she explained why the police had been at our home , what it all meant , how my father would not be returning any time soon .

  3. W:为什么不先来我家?我们可以在我家吃饺子,然后去听演唱会!M:棒极了!那到时候见。

    W : Why not come to my home first ? We can have dumplings at my home , and then go to the concert . M : Great ! See you then .

  4. 为什么不今天晚上来我家讨论生物报告呢?

    Why don 't you my home to the biology report tonight ?