
  1. 假如你不希望你老公或老婆是最完美的,为什么要在一起?

    And if you don 't think your husband or your wife is the best , why together ?

  2. 如果你不爱他或者说有那种相互的感觉的话,那么为什么要在一起呢?

    If you don 't love him or don 't have that mutual feeling for him then why are you with him ?

  3. 那她当初为什么要和我在一起

    Then why was she with me in the first place ?

  4. 我不懂你为什么要跟她在一起。

    I don 't understand why you want to sleep with her anyway .

  5. 我们之间彼此互不了解,我不知道为什么我们仍然要在一起。

    There is few understanding between us and I don 't see why se should sill stick together .

  6. 哦,我为什么要和你呆在一起?

    Yeah , well , why should I stick with you ?

  7. 那,为什么我要总和你在一起呢?

    ' Catherine , are you going anywhere this afternoon ? '

  8. 为什么要和死人生活在一起。

    When you have such a beautiful family .

  9. 我知道这是个错误,但为什么现在要跟你在一起?

    I now it 's wrong , So why am I with you now .

  10. 如果我问台湾为什么马上要跟你们在一起呢?他们经常说,如果不早些在一起,日本和美国要把台湾拿走。

    If I ask what makes them believe that Taiwan must return to China immediately , I will get the usual answer that , otherwise , Japan and the US would come and take the island away .