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  1. 试论齐晋鞍之战&兼及《左传》的战争描写

    On the Battle of An Between Qi and Jin

  2. 因避乱奔吴,被吴王任命为将军,西破强楚,南服越人,北威齐晋,为吴国立下汗马功劳。

    To escape from domestic chaos , he took refuge in the State of Wu , where he was appointed general by the king . Under his command , the forces of Wu defeated the strong army of the State of Chu , subdued the people of the State of Yue , and deterred the states of Qi and Wei .

  3. 齐与晋秦法家思想之差异

    The Difference of Legalists Thoughts among Qi Dynasty and Jin & Qin Dynasty

  4. 第二章:比较齐、晋文化的异同,并分析其成因,以便从地域文化角度揭示法家产生在齐、晋两国的必然性和两类法家差异存在的原因。

    Chapter 2nd : Compare Qi culture with Jin culture , and analyse the causes of formation in order to reveal the inevitability that legalists came into being in Qi and Jin .

  5. 另一说是指齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王、吴王阖闾和越王勾践。最早称霸的是齐桓公(公元前685~公元前643在位)。

    Duke Huan of Qi ( in the throne from 685 B.C. - 643 B.C. ) was the first over-lord .

  6. 在春秋战国时期,有超过150个诸侯国与周共存,其中齐,鲁,晋,燕,秦,楚,吴,越等国较为强大。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , there were over 150 kingdoms coexisting with Zhou , among them Qi , Lu , Jin , Yan , Qin , Chu , Wu , Yue , etc were the stronger .