
  • 网络saito
  1. 东京证交所总裁及社长齐藤(atsushisaito)将执掌总部位于东京的新集团。

    Atsushi Saito , TSE president and chief executive , will serve as chief of the new entity , to be headquartered in Tokyo .

  2. 东京证交所总裁齐藤(atsushisaito)表示,得知近期有人怀疑内幕交易普遍存在,“感觉就像被蜜蜂螫了一下,这让人极其不安,所以我要认真解决这个问题”。

    Atsushi Saito , President of the Tokyo Stock Exchange , said that being notified of the recent suspicions of widespread insider trading " was like being stung by a bee . It is extremely upsetting and so I am serious about fixing it " .

  3. 东京证交所(tokyostockexchange)总裁齐藤(atsushisaito)昨日警告,除非日本公司提高资本效率和企业价值,否则日本将会被迫向中国印度等新兴经济体低价出售其资产。

    Japan will be forced to sell its assets cheaply to emerging economies such as China and India unless Japanese corporations raise their capital efficiency and enterprise value , the head of the Tokyo Stock Exchange warned yesterday .

  4. 是的,但你看,齐藤先生。

    Ah , yes , but you see , Mr. Saito ...

  5. 齐藤先生,这不是普通的商业间谍活动。

    Mr. Saito , this isn 't your typical corporate espionage .

  6. 齐藤:告诉机组人员你们要去哪里。

    Saito : Tell the crew where you want to go .

  7. 我不会的齐藤现在已经死了

    I 'm not . Saito 's dead by now .

  8. 柯布:齐藤先生,这可不是一般的商业间谍活动。

    Cobb : Mr. Saito , this isn 't your typical corporate .

  9. 齐藤:据传闻,他们感情很复杂。

    Saito : Rumor is the relationship is quite complicated .

  10. 不要失去自我找到齐藤把他带回来

    Don 't lose yourself ! Find Saito and bring him back !

  11. 齐藤也不该胸口中枪。

    And Saito wasn 't supposed to be shot in the chest .

  12. 齐藤先生,有时间吗?

    Mr. Saito , can l have a moment ?

  13. 齐藤:我的主要竞争对手的老板,是个垂死的老头子。

    Saito : My main competitor is an old man in poor health .

  14. 齐藤先生,我们可以训练你的潜意识。

    Mr. Saito , we can train your subconscious .

  15. 齐藤知道了吗,他在玩我们。

    Saito knows . He 's playing with us .

  16. 齐藤:这不用你管。

    Saito : That 's not your concern .

  17. 伊姆斯:弄推荐信正是我的专长,齐藤先生。

    Eames : References are something of a specialty for me , Mr. Saito .

  18. 齐藤:应该可以,只要弄得到有力的推荐信。

    Saito : It should be possible , if you can get the right references .

  19. 齐藤:我们是最后一家能阻止他们完全垄断能源市场的公司。

    Saito : We 're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance .

  20. 这样的工作不能允许旁观者,齐藤先生。

    There 's no room for tourists on a job like this , Mr. Saito .

  21. 放了我,你走吧,你似乎还不明白,齐藤先生。

    So leave me and go . You don 't seem to understand , Mr. Saito .

  22. 我们应该在两小时之前把齐藤的扩张计划。传送给康布工程公司。

    We were supposed to deliver Saito 's expansion plans ... to Cobol Engineering two hours ago .

  23. 几年前把自己的软件公司卖给微软的企业家威廉•齐藤说,日本人的编码水平趋于下降。

    Japanese code has tended to be inferior , says William Saito , an entrepreneur who sold his software company to Microsoft years ago .

  24. 是的,但你看,齐藤先生…我们并不是在你的梦里而是我的混蛋,地毯怎么搞错了?

    Ah , yes , but you see , Mr. Saito .... We 're not in your dream . We 're in mine . Asshole . How do you mess up the carpet ?

  25. 我们应该在两小时之前把齐藤的扩张计划传送给康布工程公司.现在他们已经知道我们失败了,该消失了你要去哪儿?

    We were supposed to deliver Saito 's expansion plans to Cobol Engineering two hours ago . By now , they know we failed . It 's time we disappear . Where you gonna go ?

  26. 齐藤发出上述警告之际,人们越来越担忧不良的公司治理正在侵蚀日本公司的竞争力和日本经济的活力,这种不良治理已导致过分的收购防御措施,阻扰了并购活动。

    Mr saito 's warning comes amid growing concern that poor corporate governance , which has led to the adoption of excessive takeover defence measures and stymied mergers and acquisition activity , is sapping the competitiveness of Japanese companies and the vitality of the economy .

  27. 是的在梦境中意识的防御会降低这使你的思想易于被偷窃这就叫盗梦齐藤先生我们可以训练你的潜意识教它自我防御哪怕对方是最厉害的盗梦者你怎么做得到?

    Yes . In the dream state , your conscious defenses are lowered ... and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft . It 's called extraction . Mr. Saito , we can train your subconscious to defend itself ...... from even the most skilled extractor . How can you do that ?

  28. 并不重要你失败了我们盗取了你藏在梦里的所有信息但你的伪装太明显放了我你走吧你似乎还不明白齐藤先生雇我们的公司是不会容忍失败的我们撑不过两天

    does not matter . You failed . We extracted every bit of information you had in there . But your deception was obvious . So leave me and go . You do not seem to understand , Mr. Saito . That corporation that hired us , they will not accept failure . We will not last two days .