
  • 网络Jerry;agere;Győr;Gyor;Jair
  1. 在担任美商杰尔系统公司市场部总监期间,他还成功地在亚太地区和日本推出了接入产品。

    He also successfully rolled out access products in APAC and Japan while he was Marketing Director at Agere .

  2. 那是因为我用呼吸器,杰尔。

    That 's because I have the inhaler , jerry .

  3. 李•兰杰尔是一个少女猎手,但也喜欢老女人。

    Lee Rangel is a Manther , but likes older women as well .

  4. 法通保险首席执行官纳杰尔•威尔逊(NigelWilson)一直大力呼吁投资于基础设施项目,他也率先将投资配置转向此类资产。

    Nigel Wilson , L & G 's CEO , who has led a shift in investment allocation towards such assets , has been a vocal campaigner .

  5. 唯一对亚马逊和美国电话电报公司的合作高兴不起来的人是运营商T-Mobile公司的首席执行官约翰o莱杰尔。他在这款产品发布的前一天就针对它发表了一条碎碎念的Twitter消息。

    One person who isn 't too excited about the partnership between Amazon and AT & T is T-Mobile CEO John Legere , who unleashed a Twitter rant against the new product a day before it was even announced .

  6. 我不能告诉你杰尔比昂的任何事情。

    I can 't teii you just anything about kjeii bjarne .

  7. 现在可不是看地图的时候,杰尔。

    Not a good time to read a map , jer .

  8. 本:杰尔听到这个坏消息时的反应怎样?

    10 Ben : How did Jill react to the bad news ?

  9. 杰尔不高兴我早走。

    Jill was a bit upset at my leaving early .

  10. 杰尔勉强通过了考试,进入音乐学校就读。

    Jail got into the music school by scraping through the examination .

  11. 我慢慢了解你了,杰尔比昂。

    I have come to know you , kjeii bjarne .

  12. 这一刻你享受的够舒畅了吗,杰尔?

    Is this living in the moment enough for you , jerry ?

  13. 杰尔他们队最终赢得了比赛。

    Jill 's team won the match in the end .

  14. 雷敦只是在利用杰尔比昂来接近我!

    Reidun has simpiy used kjeii Bjarne to get cioser to me !

  15. 杰尔,河好像应该是分叉的吧?

    Jer , isn 't the river supposed to fork ?

  16. 来自澳洲的大厨斯凯伊o金杰尔对这一点有切身体会。

    Australian chef Skye Gyngell learned that first hand .

  17. 我去拿你的礼物,杰尔比昂。

    Let me get your present , kjeii bjarne .

  18. 把你从电脑前解脱出来,杰尔!

    Get you away from that computer , jer !

  19. 飞走了杰克,飞走了杰尔。

    Fly away Jack , fly away Jill .

  20. 杰尔比昂和我刚在附近的地方吃了点东西。

    Kjeii Bjarne and I have just grabbed some food at our iocai haunt .

  21. 杰尔这么说有什么根据?

    What is Jack basing this on ?

  22. 杰尔长得越来越高了。

    Jill is getting taller and taller .

  23. 杰尔比昂修好的。

    Kjeii Bjarne fixed it up .

  24. 杰尔听到这个坏消息震惊得一个字都说不出来。

    Jill was so shocked by the bad news that he couldn 't say a single word .

  25. “安杰尔”意为天使,奥斯汀的家人一语双关地说,天使救了奥斯汀。

    " As her name implied , it was Angel that saved Austin ," the family punned .

  26. 狂风,巨浪还有暴雨联起手来摧残延塔杰尔城堡,居住在里面简直就是噩梦。

    Ferocious winds , pounding waves , and rain all combined to make Tintagel Castle a living nightmare .

  27. 不,杰尔,其实我觉得现在是放弃的最佳时刻。

    No , actually , jerry , I 'm convinced that this is the perfect time to give up hope .

  28. 杰尔因此呼吁国会尽他所能让枪支远离错误人员之手。

    Jear would so call on congress to do everything in his power to keep gun out of wrong hands .

  29. 今年是俄罗斯濒临里海的杰尔宾特市建市2000年;

    This year will see the 2000th anniversary of the city of Derbent , Russia , on the Caspian Sea ;

  30. 杰尔查文是俄国第一个真正的诗人,其诗歌超越了此前俄国古典主义的对现实生活所取的排斥态度。

    Jerchavin was the really Erst Russian poet , whose poems transcend previous Russian classicism and reject the reality of life .