
  • 网络Outstanding youth;TOYP
  1. 本论文研究工作得到国家自然科学基金项目(60971103、60702026、60572143)、四川省杰出青年基金项目(09ZQ026-040)和西南交通大学博士生创新基金项目资助。

    This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 60971103 、 60702026 、 60572143 ), Scientific and Technological Funds for Young Scientists of Sichuan ( 09ZQ026-040 ), and the Doctorial Innovation Foundation of Southwest Jiaotong University .

  2. 因此,本文在国家杰出青年科学基金项目(No.50925828)《结构健康监测与振动控制》的资助下,以结构的非线性地震反应分析为手段,对钢筋混凝土框架结构进行了基于性能的抗震性能评估。

    Accordingly , under the supports of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars ( No.50925828 )《 Structural health monitoring and vibration control 》, by means of non-linear seismic response analysis , the performance-based seismic performance evaluation on reinforced concrete frame structures is done .

  3. 在纪念国家杰出青年科学基金实施十周年学术报告会上的致词

    Address on the 10th anniversary of the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund

  4. 望她能够被选上十大杰出青年。

    Hope she can be elected on the Ten Outstanding Young Persons .

  5. 杰出青年义工海外交流计划筹备委员会

    Organizing Committee on Overseas Exchange Award for Outstanding Youth Volunteers

  6. 国家杰出青年科学基金实施10周年调研报告

    Investigative report on the ten-year implementation of the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund

  7. 长江学者、国家杰出青年基金获得者吴立新教授

    Professor Wu Lixin , the Changjiang Scholar and obtainer of National Outstanding Youth Funds

  8. 本文是在国家杰出青年科学基金(50825902)资助下开展工作。

    This research is supported by the national outstanding youth fund ( No.50825902 ) .

  9. 数理科学部国家杰出青年科学基金资助情况分析

    Investigation and analyses on the National Science Fund for outstanding youths in mathematics and Physics

  10. 国家杰出青年科学基金为北京大学科研发展注入活力

    National Science Fund for distinguished young scholars greatly promoted the research activities at Peking University

  11. 今年,我被提名为“美国十大杰出青年”。

    I was nominated this coming year one of America 's Ten Most Outstanding Young Men .

  12. 我1996年被评为“北京市十大杰出青年”。

    I was chosen as one of " The Big Ten Prominent Youths " of Beijing in1996 .

  13. 教育部系统10年来实施国家杰出青年科学基金项目回顾

    Review of the Ministry of education on the ten-year implementation of the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund

  14. 国家杰出青年科学基金;信息学科;战略规划;调研;

    National Science Fund for Distinguished Youth Scholars ; information science ; strategic planning ; investigation and analysis ;

  15. 国家杰出青年科学基金促进了我国地球科学领域优秀人才的成长

    The role of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in pushing forward the development of china 's geoscience research

  16. 先后荣获“自贡市十大杰出青年”、“四川省优秀青年企业家”、“2006年度中国改革人物”。

    Has won the " Zigong Ten Outstanding Youth "," Sichuan elite entrepreneurs "," 2006 China 's reform characters " .

  17. 1990年,她被授予该年度澳大利亚杰出青年奖;1991年又获得该年度最佳土著运动员奖。

    In 1990 she was awarded Young Australian of the Year , and Aboriginal Athlete of the Year in 1991 .

  18. 今年恰逢“国家杰出青年科学基金”实施十周年。

    This year is the tenth anniversary for the founding of the NationalScience Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars ( NSFDYS ) .

  19. 数理科学部2006&2008年度结题的国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目成果简介

    The achievement introduction of projects funded by National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in Department of mathematical and physical sciences during 2006-2008

  20. 借助基金平台构筑人才高地&中国科学院获国家杰出青年科学基金情况综述

    Use the platform of NSFC to construct our base for outstanding researchers & a review of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young sholars in CAS

  21. 对外经济贸易大学欢迎更多的海内外杰出青年来校攻读,对外经济贸易大学永远是培养面向世界的高素质人才的摇篮!

    UIBE welcomes more and more outstanding young candidates to join its programs . UIBE is always the cradle of the cultivation of talented personnel for the world .

  22. 我致力于帮助其它小朋友建立有意义、自由的生活方式,逐渐我的努力得到了认可,获得了1998年实践杰出青年奖。

    For my efforts , I have been recognized and was honored to receive the1998 Operation Pride Youth Award for my dedication to helping other kids live a substance free lifestyle .

  23. 吴慧菁以别具一格、清新独创的华文教学方式脱颖而出,成为南洋杰出青年校友奖得主之一。

    For employing refreshing , out-of-the-box methods to teach the Chinese language , Mrs Goh Hui Cheng , 34 , is a worthy recipient of this year 's Nanyang Young Outstanding Alumni Award .

  24. 蓝燕明副教授是分子自组装领域翘楚,科研成就骄人,如今多添一项荣誉,荣获南洋杰出青年校友奖。

    For being an accomplished researcher in the field of self-assembly , with a string of achievements to her name , Dr Lam Yeng Ming is honoured with the Nanyang Outstanding Alumni Award .

  25. 松鹤富丽集团董事局主席;电子博士;中国杰出青年企业家,北京恒基伟业电子有限公司董事长、裁,“商务通”品牌创始人。

    Chairman of board Bureau of songhefuli group ; doctor of electron , outstanding youth enterpriser of china , board chairman and President of Beijing hengjiweiye electronic co. , ltd. , and initiator of Shangwutong brand .

  26. 世界经济论坛每年都会挑选出最具创新性、进取性、推动社会进步的、能跨越国界、重新思考身边世界的40岁以下的杰出青年男女。

    The World Economic Forum selects the most " innovative , enterprising and socially minded men and women under the age of 40 who are pushing boundaries and rethinking the world around them " each year .

  27. 结合国家杰出青年科学基金项目电磁干扰的耦合机理(No.50325723),本论文对开关瞬态电磁场特性、微机保护设备和计算机的抗扰度问题、传输线与空间电磁场之间的耦合问题进行了研究。

    Supported by the Scientist funds for Outstanding Young Scientists of China ( grant No. 50325723 ), the characteristics of switch field transient , susceptibility of microprocessor relay and computer to switch transient field , and electromagnetic coupling mechanism to lines are researched .

  28. 本论文是依托国家自然科学基金项目居民重组和出行分布中的复杂问题及模型研究和吉林省杰出青年基金资助项目宏观交通流理论研究完成的。

    This paper relies on National Natural Science Fund Project Complex issue of Inhabitant Recombination and Travel Distribution and Research in its Model and Jilin Province Preeminence Youth Fund Sustentation Project Research in Macro-Traffic Flow Theory . The dissertation consists of six chapters .

  29. 这些项目主要包括面上项目、重点项目、重大项目和其它专项基金项目如国家杰出青年基金项目、地区基金项目以及高技术项目等。

    All the projects including general programs , key programs , major programs and other special funds such as the National Natural Science Fund for distinguished young scholars and various special funds such as projects for developing regions and programs in high technology were analyzed .

  30. 中国农业大学现有2737余位专职教师,其中中国科学院院士5人中国工程院院士5人,教授286人、副教授504人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授13人,“国家杰出青年科学基金”18人。

    China Agricultural University has 2 737 fulltime teachers , including 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of icngineering Sciences , 286 full professors , 504 associate professors , 13 special professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program "