
  1. 和他共同携手,为你们的幸福而努力。

    He joined hands and to the happiness of your efforts .

  2. 愿你们的幸福四处扬溢,但马桶可别。

    May your happiness overflow , and your toilets not .

  3. 是的,你们的幸福结局都靠他们

    Yeah . These are the guys you want trust your happy ending

  4. 我会倾尽一生…摧毁你们的幸福

    I shall destroy your happiness ...

  5. 祝贺贤伉俪幸福快乐,祝你们的幸福与日俱增。

    Here 's too much happiness and joy for both of you now and in the years to come .

  6. 作为一个成年人,我有责任照顾你们的幸福安康,这当中也包括一起玩。

    As an adult I have a responsibility to look out for your wellbeing , which includesshavingssome fun together .

  7. 请接受我最美好的祝福,我希望你和新娘获得最大的福气,愿你们的幸福与年俱增。

    Best wishes for you both . I wish you and your bride the best of luck , and ever-increasing happiness as the years go by .

  8. 因为我没有办法不爱你,所以你和他最好给我幸福,一定要幸福,因为我要看你们的幸福能撑多久。

    Because I don 't have ideas to not like you , so I must see you two are happy , because I want to see how long you can be happy together .

  9. 上个星期六我得到了你结婚的消息,真是高兴万分。祝贺你和新娘新婚甜蜜,并祝福你们的幸福与岁月俱增。

    I was thrilled and delighted to receive the announcement of your marriage last saturday . I wish you and your bride the best of luck and ever-increasing happiness for the years ahead .

  10. 向你俩祝贺,愿时光老人赐予你们持久的幸福和满足。

    Congratulations to you both and may the years ahead bring you continued joy and contentment .

  11. 你们的每次幸福都是一道伤口,伤害到体无完肤却也不肯罢休。

    You every happiness is a wound , injury to the injured all over the body but also refused to give up .

  12. 豪斯建议,别总担心梦幻足球线下聚会和高尔夫球旅行会威胁到你们的婚姻幸福,其实情况恰恰相反。

    Don 't look at Fantasy Football meet-ups and golf trips as threats to your marriage . It 's quite the opposite , actually ; some time apart will likely do your relationship good , Howes said .

  13. 祝你们的钻石婚周年幸福快乐。

    May your diamond wedding anniversary be happy and wonderful .

  14. 我身边的每一个老师,拥有你们是我的幸福

    I am a teacher for each side , with you is my happiness

  15. 和我们令人同情的生活不一样的是,你们的生活是幸福和快乐的。

    Different from our pitiful lives , your life was happy and sunny .

  16. 告诉他们这对你们的工作和幸福都是非常重要的。

    Mention that this is important for both your jobs and your happiness .

  17. 小朋友,你们的生活真幸福呀!

    Little boys , how happy you are !

  18. 以上这些规则多少会感觉有些别扭,然而,好的东西有时候对维持你们单位成员的幸福非常有必要。

    All of the above rules can be bent a little of course , which is a good thing , as sometimes it 's necessary to keep everyone at your organization happy .

  19. 要是遇到这样的男人就嫁了吧,因为单单这段漫长的找寻,就足以证明你们的婚姻会幸福长久忠诚。

    Then , you should probably marry the man who you just met since his committed search for you is proof alone that you will have a happy , long lasting , faithful marriage .

  20. 你们的议程事关人类幸福。

    This is the human face of your agenda .

  21. 碾碎你们努力博得的一切幸福与希望

    but to obliterate all hope and happiness that you manage to cling to .

  22. 我们谨向你俩祝贺,愿你们的婚后生活无上幸福。

    We send you both our love and best wishes for every happiness that life can bring .

  23. 在饭桌上,爷爷说:“你们要珍惜今天的幸福生活。”

    At the dinner table , Grandpa said : " you have to cherish the happy life today . "

  24. 而且,你们的娱乐业在幸福、成功和美丽等方面充满了错误的暗示,这对任何人都没有好处,除了那些炮制它们的人。

    Also , your entertainment industry is full of false images about happiness , success and beauty , which serve no one except the ones who construct them .

  25. 你们的灵性,你们的幸福,你们的觉悟都依赖于别人。

    You are all depending for your spirituality on someone else , for your happiness on someone else , for your enlightenment on someone else ;

  26. 我将继续尽我微薄之力管理政府,维护你们的自由,促进你们的幸福,以此来表达我的感激之情。

    It shall be displayed to the extent of my humble abilities in continued efforts so to administer the Government as to preserve their liberty and promote their happiness .

  27. 你们觉得认识点你们名字的人,幸福吗?

    Do you feel happy about being named in my space ?

  28. 那就是你们的生命、你们的家庭和你们的幸福。

    Your lives . Your families . Your well-being .

  29. 祝贺你们结婚十周年,愿你们的未来更加幸福美满。

    We congratulate you on your tenth wedding anniversary and wish you more happiness and satisfaction in the years to come .

  30. 谢谢你们对女儿的爱和付出,我为能成为你们的女儿感到很幸福,也很幸运。

    Sometimes , I often think too much on things , I always want to make thing become better . however , the truth tells me , I am wrong .