
  • 网络What do you say;How you say;What Would You Say;How Did You Say
  1. 与她交谈需要集中精神认真应付:她侃侃而谈,只是偶尔插句你怎么说做个停顿,给点时间让自己法译英的技巧赶上大脑思考的速度。

    Liu is a force to be reckoned with : the words flow out of her , punctuated only by the occasional how you say as she pauses to allow her French-English translation skills time to catch up with her brain .

  2. 与她交谈需要集中精神认真应付:她侃侃而谈,只是偶尔插句“你怎么说”做个停顿,给点时间让自己法译英的技巧赶上大脑思考的速度。

    Liu is a force to be reckoned with : the words flow out of her , punctuated only by the occasional " how you say " as she pauses to allow her French-English translation skills time to catch up with her brain .

  3. 随你怎么说,反正她唱歌唱得很好。

    Say what you like about her , she 's a fine singer .

  4. 随你怎么说,但他们确实爱自己的妈妈。

    Say what you like about them , but they did love their Mum .

  5. 管你怎么说,他都不会相信你。

    No matter what you may say , he will not believe you .

  6. 不管你怎么说,也没有人听信你这谗言!

    No one believes your slanderous talk anyway !

  7. 管你怎么说,我也要再试一下。

    No matter what you say , I 'll try again .

  8. Mac跟你怎么说的Rose?-

    What did Mac told you about this Rose ? -

  9. 哎,你怎么说上维吾尔族语了!

    Hey , you are beginning to speak the Uygur language !

  10. 无论你怎么说,我决不改变主意。

    Whatever you say , I will not change my mind .

  11. 你怎么说,将父显给我们看呢?

    How can you say , 'Show us the Father ' ?

  12. 不管你怎么说,没有人会听你的。

    Whatever you say , no one will listen to you .

  13. 不管你怎么说,我总是不喜欢它。

    Say what you will , I don 't like it .

  14. 交给我我告诉你怎么说

    Leave that to me . I 'll do the talking .

  15. 你怎么说它们是一样的?

    How could you possibly say it 's the same thing ?

  16. 如果怀特先生来电话你怎么说?

    Should Mr White call , what would you say ?

  17. 说句话呀,亲爱的,你怎么说?

    So have a word , darling , what do you say ?

  18. 不管你怎么说,我都要干下去。

    No matter what you may say , I will go ahead .

  19. 不管你怎么说,中国的复兴是不可避免的。

    No matter what you say , China 's rise is inevitable .

  20. 我不管你怎么说这袜子真有用

    I don 't care what you say -- the socks work .

  21. 随你怎么说怎么你同意那些观点吗?

    Whatever . So what , you agree with him ?

  22. 现在,你怎么说'猪',在中国,麒麟?

    Now , how do you say'pig'in Chinese , Kirin ?

  23. 随你怎么说但是给我离远点。

    Say what you want but stand the hell back .

  24. 给当年的自己一些忠告你怎么说

    and give yourself advice , what would you say ?

  25. 不管你怎么说,我坚持我的看法。

    I 'll stick with my idea no matter what you say .

  26. 你怎么说“你吃饭了没有”?

    How do you say " have you eaten yet "?

  27. 你怎么说的给她发了条推特吗

    What did you do , send her a tweet ?

  28. 那么,你怎么说差不多住在这里?

    So , how do you kind of live here ?

  29. 随你怎么说,反正我不是凶手。

    Say what you will , but I 'm not a murderer .

  30. 你怎么说钟和表害羞了?

    How can you tell clocks and watches are shy ?